new guy sawing Hi

Been lurking on the sight for and while hadnt posted yet , lots of good info here.Just wanted to introduce myself and say Hi. Ive been fly fishing on and off for the last 30 years mostly in the eastern sierras of Ca.

Hey there. I used to live in Socal. Trips to the Sierras as often as I could. Now the fishing is MUCH closer.

A warm Welcome to ya’ vhram!!

Watch out for the Pirates, … other than them :wink: … there’s a fine bunch of folks here !!!

“Hi” back to you, from SE Idaho. Welcome.

Noticed on another thread that you are thinking about a norvice. Yeah, guys that know that thing can really do some tricks with it. We have a fellow locally who has been using one for years and constantly amazes me with what he can do on it and how quickly. Kind of scary, actually.

Hope you join in. The Eastern Sierras include some fabulous country. Can’t speak to the fishing there, but WOW for the scenery and surroundings !!


Hey vhram,
Welcome to a friendly family. I’m looking forward to your input. Best Regards…

Welcome aboard, you couldn’t ask for a better sight and great folks, Best Regards :smiley:


A big hello from the Island Nation of Ohio. Pull up a chair and join right in. Keep a sharp eye for the Terror Tuber and the Dough God…they have been known to lead people astray at times.


Welcome aboard and follow Kabooms advice about Terror Tuber and The Dough God but always do it up wind of Kaboom he has stinky waders. LOL sorry Brad you know I love you but man you opened the door.

to the best flyfishing site on the Web. Come and join the chat some night, a lot of great guys ( and gals sometimes ) and some great flyfishing chats.

Mike :smiley:

Welcome to the group. I guess you’ve been here for while but it’s nice to have you visible at long last. 8T :slight_smile:

Welcome! I am newish to the site as well. I’m also So Cal who moved closer to the fish ( Jackson, WY).:slight_smile:


I saw the Nor vice guy at the Pasadena fly fishing show a few years ago. He was amazing.

Hi and welcome to the friendliest bunch of people on the web. :slight_smile:

This from our sartorial minimalist, uh, eccentric?


Welcome to you…I echo it all…absolutely the best flyfishing site with the most knowledgeable, friendly and kind folks on the Web.

I’ve been much more of a “reader” (meaning “lurker”) than a “writer” as well. I fished Hot Creek Ranch many years ago…it certainly was a most wonderful experience. Yer in some beeeeuuuutiful country!

And welcome from Pennsylvania, too!
