New guy here

Just a quick hello to everyone, new to this computer thing and at 51 not sure computers are not evil.
I am a long time guide and have been fishing the San Juan river in New Mexico for quite awhile now. A long time client turned me on to FAOL, pretty cool.
Need some help, does anyone know of a carp fry pattern that is quick to tie? the one I have come up with takes about 10 min to tie and about 30 seconds to snap off on a big trout.

Bubba Smith

Welcome Bubba. You’ll like it here. The carp people should chime in soon. I’ll bet a wooley bugger might work…or a giant San Juan worm. Glad you could make it.

Bubba I know you are new, but if you could post a picture of your fly, or a description of what you want, I am sure our combined heads could put you on a quick pattern that will work.

I myself am not sure what a carp fry looks like, but if they are anything like salmon fry I may beable to help.

Don’t hesitate to jump in - the fishing here is always great (the catching can be a little slow at times.) S Glad you found us.

welcome bubba. glad your here!

I agree w/ mcsteff that maybe a wooley bugger or a wool or deer hair head wolley bugger in the right color might work,

I am also attaching our late and sorely missed Al Campbells Poly sucker. I have never used it but He never posted anything that was not proven

Al’s Poly Sucker Just copy this and put it in the seach on the front page of FAOL and you will find it

Welcome to the BB!

Welcome aboard! Steve Crosby in Tulsa, here. Have you tried using EP fibers for a carp fry? The EP flies that I tie for stripers just take a couple of minutes to tie. Here’s a link for the EP Minnow

Welcome Aboard Bubba:D

Welcome Bubba, When you get a chance can you tell us a few football stories from your old NFL days? We’d love to here them.

Bubba welcome aboard, now would you please pass the bug spray.


Welcome aboard! :smiley:

Glad to see you signed up Bubba. I will look on your thread to see what is being tossed at carp too. I have tied San Juan Worms to try; I know of a mulberry pattern and there is actually a bread pattern to tie but like I said I will look on to see what is suggested.


Greetings from Oregon, Bubba, and welcome to the gang !!
Very glad ta have ya ! I ain’t too sure about ‘puters neither…I figure it out as I go.
Fortunately I hav my own personal computer guru…my teenage son…:cool:
…happy Carp fishin’…ModocDan

Whoa!:shock: THAT Bubba Smith? :roll: OK … sure!!

Welcome to the best FF site there is! Jump on in, get your feet wet! You’re going to like it here!

Welcome from the Island Nation of Ohio. Don’t believe anything that anyone of us Buckeyes say.:stuck_out_tongue:



Computers ARE evil.

Welcome to another Bubba

Yes, Computers and this site are Evil. You are going to learn so much fly fishing stuff in here You will certainly become the Evil One on the San Juan. :slight_smile:

Thanks for all the kind words guys, what I am looking for is a pattern that will look like a baby carp about 2 inches long max. I tie a pattern that works pretty good but just flat out takes to long. I am a big fan of guide flies that are quick to tie as I am up most nights after a trip tying something up for the next day, I average 180 plus days guiding so getting to bed before midnight is a must.
As a side note what happens here on the Juan is as the water is brought down from spring flood stage, all the baby carp that have been up in the shallow side channels are flushed into the main river channels, and the trout go crazy. today was one of those days, trout slashing through big balls of baby carp. I try not to count the fish as they are brought to the boat but today was an exception, 40 plus to the boat most over 20 inches. It was nuts.

Hey Bubba -

A warm welcome from Central Kentucky.

If you have pictures of some of those 20 inchers that were attacking your boat please feel free to post them here. I always love to listen to all the “drooling” that goes on when someone posts pictures of large trout. :lol: