as he removed his, I will remove mine.
this is the only site needed…
Whats wrong with sharing a new site? I have seen FAOL mentioned on other sites. He did not say that the new site was “the best” or “better than any other” ect., just mentioned a “new” site. There is alot of great information floating around the internet, I dont think any web site can honestly say they have all info contained in one place.
Good luck, Tony
Uh-oh, not again.
Just as an ‘FYI’…
I was curious, so I went an ‘looked’ at the ‘site’ Tony posted the link to.
I think it was a good initial ‘idea’, but it seems to have floundered.
Almost all of the forums had been ‘closed’, and most showed only one or two posts ‘total’ since the site came on line. Most by Tony…
Few people have any idea how difficult it is to get a site up and running, much less get others involved and posting regularly.
This is a great place, but it’s not the be all and end all of the internet in regards to fly fishing. It’s one of the best, surely, but not the only.
The more the merrier, as far as I’m concerned. It’s not like anyone is limited to only one site. THAT would be like only owning one fly rod…
…like only fishing one river ever. I wish the new site all the luck and success of the best
flyfishing website I’ve ever found.
If you opened up a grocery store. Then walked into your local safeway and walked up and down the Isles handing out fliers to your store you would be asked to leave.
His post ticked me off and I had a headache when I read his post so rather than ignore it which is what I would normally do I responded.
I didn’t tell him I thought he should leave or tell him off for posting the post, I just asked him why I should go to his site as FAOL has everything his site had and his was lacking in much of what FAOL has.
He chose to take his post down and leave.
Guess he didn’t have an answer.
Most people that frequent FAOL belong to quite a few different fly fishing sites. Have you ever heard of expanding your horizons?
Your first post ticked me off, but I didn’t say anything about it.
It’s hard to get websites started. Got to give them a chance before crapping in their Cheerios. Lighten up a little.
Where you’re missing an important point, that was very well stated by Eric, is that this site is a BUSINESS on which there is a PRICE for exposure. Although warm and cuddly, the bottom line is that it costs to advertise ANYTHING herein. Allowing even innocent exposure is UNFAIR to the sponsors who pay for that exposure. Although I did not see the link in question, it takes brass balls to post one here. I’m sure that it was set up originally to solicit sponsorship and ultimately generate a profit to the founder(s). Let them all do it like JC and LF did it.
I also go to other sites and have no problem with someone posting a link to another site here that leads to the answer of a question, an interesting video or a fly recipe for a different or requested fly etc.
I do think it is in poor taste for the owner of another site which fills the same niche as this one to post a posting here with no purpose other than to draw people to his own site.
Yep, and what Marco said too…
If he was the OWNER, then I would might agree with you guys, but you can’t “steal” people from one site to another. If he were just a member and thought these people on FAOL might be good people on that site, I would think it was harsh. Castwell and LF are the owners and therefore should remove the thread if they thought it was not in the best interests of this site. What I should have done is look at how many posts he’s had, or how long he’s been here. But it was decent of him to delete his post.
All in all, I know you guys love this site and the people here, and want to protect it. Good on ya.
RS1, I had a headache and was feeling awful when I posted, normaly I would have passed saying anything. His site had nothing to drag people from here. I should have let it go, but I didn’t. I wish him luck with his website, but if he wants it to go he better find somthing that he can do bettter than any other site or theres no reason for others to visit often.
I agree, and have pointed folks over here and vice versa as getting the answers to questions dictated. The recent Mustad threads were an example of my pointing anglers over here to get the straight story on what was going on with the discontinued lines.