I was turned on to a new fly tying site. I know there are many variations to different flies out there, but some really peek my interest.
Here in the Rocky Mountains, there are certain flies that are a give me every year. For example the Hoppers, which last year were scares.
But STONEFLIES are a must every year, along with my Chironomids.
Of this site, I scored a new pattern for both and they are sweet. I am changing the colors on the Chironomid to suit my waters, but they are fun and I KNOW they are going to work.
I made some Chironomids this spring (Black body with blue rib)I called the Bruise and they work Killer.
Here is the stone, but search the site out for others like I did. http://www.hatchesmagazine.com/page/month/356
Great looking flies. That Stonefly looks perfect. If you have an interest in chironomids take a look at Donald Nicolson’s site http://www.dtnicolson.dial.pipex.com/ . Look under the midges/buzzers/emergers section. Your looking for the buzzers.
Have you seen the paper copies of Hatches Magazine? Great publication, wish it came out more often.
WADR, looks like a fly to catch fisherman, not fish.
What happens to the wings once they get get wet? I would doubt they stay all nice, puffy and flat with that great profile. I’d expect them to mat up and basically disappear like hackle tips on an Adams or rolled wings on a Cahill.
A reverse hackle wonder wing would hold its shape.
That is what I am counting on. The wings laying flat on the side. I thought that when I saw the pattern. That the stones that I have seen didn’t have wings out the side, but, laying flat they could be close.
The Buzzers are on a #14 scud. I guess you could do them smaller but that seems to be what is working right now.
The PROOF is in the pudding, and I guess I will HAVE to go fish them to find out:D
You are right, it was tied on the Vosseler, I will make a note to post flies with that vise. Heck! I could have taken a piture of the Stone and a Buzzer at the same time with the two jaws…DUH
hey joni,
do those vises secure with suction or is there a clamp? i cant seem to figure it out on the vosseler website. i love their reels and if the vise is as good as their reels i might get one!
It is a very powerful suction cup with a lever on top of the base. I always run my finger with a little water around the base and it will stick for hours, maybe even days. I have even used it on Pores surfaces, like some cutting boards and it holds great.
It comes with one set of jaws I believe, but you have a choice. I went with both:
Standard head for hooks down to size 14
Midge head for hook sizes smaller than 14
The Standard head is a hole with a groove in it. It holds the hook soooo well, That I have bent a hook on it. The Midge will go to a 32, I have done many.
They are also coming up with all sorts of extras, but I came up with my own bobbin arm for a rotary. Out of a wire coat hanger.
I hear they are even making a small motor that mounts to it with a belt for drying flies.