New bonefish lodge in deadmans cay long island

guys i have a new bonefsh lodge open in deadmans cay long island bahamas .check it out @ www. mailing address Nevin Knowles general delivery deadmans cay long island bahamas.

Nice Lodge!

Yikes, for sure. Nice boat too! :slight_smile:
(needs more pictures of great big bone fish tho)

HhhMmmm…guess I don’t know the rules:confused::confused::confused:.

Sorry Duck, I asked him to post that. He has been a long time supporter and for quite a while a host in the chat room and has been a friend to many on here. It is hard for him to get on the internet lately do to some connection problems and I wanted our readers to know that he finally has his fishing camp up and running. The Bahamian Ministry of Tourism is a sponsor as are several of the Out Islands. As they help support FAOL financially I did not see it as a great violation to at least mention that he is now open for business. :slight_smile:
If his post seems out off line in some way I would have been happy to answer an email on it.

I still have a foot of snow in portions of my driveway, its cloudy outside and was lightly snowing this afternoon. Man I want to go there. Looks wonderful.


Nope, now that I know I no longer wonder…thank you for the explanation.

“If his post seems out off line in some way I would have been happy to answer an email on it.[/quote]”

Are you saying I should not have responded publicly.

If I had known you had a close association I wouldn’t have responded at all.

But are you saying that when a thread starts that seems against your rules you only want to be notified by e-mail?

I know I’m getting a little confrontive but that’s how I feel right now:rolleyes::rolleyes:. Well actually I don’t but…

The good news …maybe more folks will check his site out:cool:.

Actually I asked him to post but I didn’t get it right when I told him I guess. It was supposed to go under ‘fishing reports’ and be about the great bonefish season he is having down there and that yes, that he is finally open for business. The whole idea was supposed to be helpful for him and all the readers.

Really great looking place. I wish you well and hope I get to visit you.