Never take for granted the people you meet on the water

On the 15th I got the news that a fishing acquaintance of mine was killed in Iraq. I had crossed paths at Little Buffalo State Park with Sergeant Brent Dunkleberger prior to his enlistment in the U.S. Army. Brent was very friendly and always had a smile for you. He loved to fish and willingly shared his knowledge of what they were hitting on.

I wish I had gotten to know him better and been able to introduce him to fly fishing. His death serves to remind me that every single person I meet while on the water is very special. Reminds me not to take people for granted because you just never know if you will see them again. Here is the link to a local news paper article about Brent: … /612150307

thanks Eric, you are an asset to these boards.

I would like to second that motion.

As always, a great post from you.
Thanks buddy, for the post & the reminder to us all.

Thanks for the kind words. My heart goes out to Mrs. Dunkleberger and the children. It’s tough enough to lose a spouse and a father but really hard at this time of the year.

New Bloomfield is in shock as is Perry county. New Bloomfield is a small town, our county seat, and now has lost another son to the war on terror. From now on when I see the statue of the soldier in the town square it will have a special meaning to me.