I’m looking for a recommended brand of “rubberized” net. The type I’m interested is not the clear heavy rubber but what appears to be a fine mesh that may have been dipped in rubber(?). I know Frabill is a common one used by many anglers. I have read that the clear rubber type net can offer a bit more resistance when dipping into fast moving waters. Thanks
The Measure Net has a rubber net option. Very nice net. Its a finer mesh than typical rubber nets, so I’m not sure which would have less water resistance. I’m currently using a black rubber net, as opposed to the clear. Personal preference.
I’ll second the MeasureNet recommendation. It is black rubber rather than clear / white, but it’s a very nice net for a pretty fair price. It does come in three sizes depending on your specific need. For walk / wade stream trout fishing, I find the Medium size net just about right.
Just received my Frabill rubberized net. Really happy with it and hope to be on the river for its test run soon. The mesh is fine and should offer much less resistance in fast water.
Fritz, do you have a link to where you can order one? I’ve also been looking for one of those. Cabela’s used to sell them but apparently quit after Bass Pro bought them.
This is the one I ordered. Glad I did. Best wishes and tight lines
Fritz, Thanks for the link. It says they weigh 4 pounds. That surely isn’t right. Is it really fairly light? The clear net ones were kind of heavy for my liking.
much lighter than 4 lbs. the total weight including the box that it came in probably didn’t weigh more than 2 lbs. the net can’t be more than a half pound otherwise the net would drag you to the bottom of the river…just kidding
Best wishes
Thanks again.