Need suggestions for fisrt time rod builder.

Last week when I ask about suggestions to get me motivated and get back on the tying bench Dr Castwell recommended his writings here at TAOL. Reading these got me so pumped up I’m ready to build my first rod this winter.

My dream is to build one of the new Sage Z Axis, but I think starting with something much less $$ would be wise. I would like to have something in the area of a 3# 7’6" with fast action. What rod blank would you guys suggest? Is there any chance of finding one in a green like the Z?

Now without offending the Doc what one book on rod building would complement his writing and give me more info?

I think the Batson line is great but I don’t know if they make anything that short, but the RX8 line is nice. Also take a good look at the DanCraft line. I have a Sig V 3/4 weight of his that is an amazing rod, and I’ve also heard lots of great feedback on the FT line as well. Top end performance there, IMO. The FT has an 8’6" 3 wt but most of his stuff is 9 and 10 feet. Do some research on both of these lines of blanks. Great performance for a good price.

I would go to Hook and Hackle website and find an innexpensive kit - If you snoop around you can probobly find a special - They have great deals on Forcast kits - theyre inexpensive and very nice- and come with all you need-

After you get one under your belt you’ll know if your ready for a more expensive blank or not

Also if you dont want to spend the money on a Sage I too hear the Dan Craft sig V is a great rod-

If you really want to do a nice job - make sure you take your time and file the guide feet perfectly before wrapping

Also be meticulous about mixing the resins and epoxy etc. Flexcoat (in HOok Hackle kit) has great instructions and tips

Read Al Campbells article about first time rod building-

I think you’ll find its easy if you take your time on the first one -

Good Luck

Hook and Hackle has a Forecast 763 as a two piece rod. Blank only 21.00, entire kit starting at 65.00.

I will clarify that the only reason I didn’t suggest a Forecast blank is that he wanted a fast action. Forecast tends to be more moderate. I love the Forecast blanks, and they are a terrific way to get started. I haven’t used one yet that didn’t cast nice, and my favorites are the short rods in light line weights, but I do have a 9’9 weight that is just fine, too. I’ve built more Forecast blanks than any other blank, including 3, 4, 5, 6, and 9 weights. I really think it would be a great place to start if you don’t absolutely have to have a fast action.

Oops! One word and you get me on it! lol Forecast is a slower rod action, but boy is it fun!! RX7, the 7’6" is a 4 weight; the RX7+ 7’6" isn’t! Shortest there is 8’6", 4 weight. Same with theRX8+,8’6", 4 weight. Each of those adds another 100.00, and more, to the price. Think I’d still start with the Forecast (actually DID!), and have fun with it!

ksfisher, you might consider a RX7 IF793 7’9" 3wt. It is a very nice blank. I really like the rod I built with it. It has a MSRP of $46, which isn’t too expensive and it is faster than the Forecast blank.

As the keeper of the “Rod Building” videos for this site I will soon have one of the DVD’s back and will forward it on to you ASAP. Just pm me with your snail mail address.

My first advise is ‘just do it’ It’s a great hobby and doesn’t require any more skill than tying a fly. It’s very satisfying to catch a trout on the rod you built.

Your first rod will have some learning curve, it will be fishable but may not have the aesthetic appeal of the next rod.
You may want to save that $300 blank for later…

Lots of good blanks around for under $50.
The Cabela’s Stowaway 3wt and 5wt rods are real sweet for only $30!

I would also hold off on buying an expensive blank and components if this is your first rod. The new Sage rod blank is probably almost as much as just buying the rod outright - once you have factored in the components and your time.

Hook and Hackle can get you set up with something reasonable and as already mentioned, read the Al Campbell material a couple of times before you start – and take your time.

IMO, My first rod came out better than my second rod – different problems each time. So, don’t expect perfection – on the other hand, it will still come out pretty good. My point, is, that until I can produce much better that what I currently think I am, then the expensive blanks will have to wait.

For the money, the Dan Craft blanks are very good and less expensive than say a Batson blank. If you were to call Dan Craft, he will get everything together for you (guides, grip, etc.). You can google him up at Dan Craft Enterprises in West Lynn Oregon.

Hook and Hackle will also be able to get everything together for you – tell them it is your first rod and they will help you out.

Another place to try is the Anglers Workshop ( They can also help you out with an order.

Good luck and have fun.

Thanks for all the help. This is just what I needed. Hope to get the blank ordered today and will let you know how it goes.