Don’t get much time each year on trout streams, and will not be using them for warm water where I live, so I am thinking inexpensive with decent quality. Any suggestions? I have looked at Cabela’s Three Forks both stocking foot and boot foot. I am thinking boot foot just cause I don’t need separate boots (I don’t think). I am only concerned about the fact taht the Three Forks are not breathable. But, I really don’t want to drop a couple hunder bucks on waders that I will not be using more than 3-4 times a year.
Breathable waders are great, but not always necessary.
The key question is how far do you have to walk or hike from your vehicle to your fishing water?
Breathable waders are great if you have to hike a ways from the vehicle to the water – you sweat less before you get in the water (and you may sweat less once you’re in the water). Same’s true for boot foot over stocking foot waders (hiking - not sweating). The separate wading boots are much easier on your feet if you have to cover some distance, especially if you’re going cross country.
Another factor to consider is average air temp and water temp where you are fishing. In a lot of places in “the south” the air temp can be down-right oppressively hot, but the water temps of the tailwaters are down-right frigid.
Given what you’ve said in your email, using them a half-dozen times a year, I’d opt for 2-mil or 3-mil neoprene stocking foot waders. Boot foot if you prefer, but my feet are in much better shape at the end of the day since switching to stocking foot waders years ago. Mine are Orvis, but Cabelas makes good gear and stands behind it.
I opt to wet wade a lot in the summer months. I typically don’t have an issue with water temps in the low 60’s. For colder weather or colder water I still use breathables but will layer up for the conditions. Everything from shorts under the waders up to and including fleece pants, several layers of thermax long underwear, sweat pants and/or street pants. Just depends on the conditions. I’ve had a time or two when I’ve though about owning neo’s but they would be used so infrequently by me that I’ve always bought breathables.
I would say this is one area where I would not go cheap. As far as I’m concerned you get exactly what you pay for with waders. You’ll get a season or two out of a cheap pair, but don’t expect much more. Now, that doesn’t mean you have to spend more than a car payment to get a decent pair of waders, just keep in mind “cheap” waders might be cheap for a reason.
Try Albright. They sometimes have smokin’ deals on their waders. That is, if they have anything in stock yet. G’luck, Jimsnarocks
For waders that I would only use 3-4 times a year? I’d either wade wet in the warm weather or go with a basic rubber pair that I could get in my local Walmart/SportsAuthority/etc. for less than $50.
If you were to wear them much more the lightweight breathables are the way to go. They are worth the extra money. But you’d never get your money’s worth out of them. IMHO
I am on my second pair of waders from Bass Pro Shops. Their house brand breathable waders for $79 are wonderful and have met all of my expectations. Like you, I am not on the water as much as I would like every year so these have worked wonderful. My first pair lasted 6 years and I bought another just like them.
I use to duck hunt and the heavier grade neoprene waders were great for cold water. I have litterally came out of the blinds with ice froze on my waders but I was still warm. I can’t remember what mil they were though. (maybe the ice froze my brains) Now I have bought my first $79 dollar pair at Bass Pro, I think they are going to do the trick for me.
Would a pair of breathable waders - stockingfoot, with attached gravel guards, and a lifetime satisfaction warranty sound good? How about if they were only $59? Sounds too good to be true, but it’s a reality…
I have a pair of the 3 Forks stocking-foots that I use for back-ups…they’re okay if you’re not doing a lot of walking.
I also have a pair of the Cabela’s ‘Dry-Plus’ bootfoots that I use in the surf. As I remember, they were not much over $100…3 seasons old and no issues.
I have no problem recomendeding them, but mine never see any briars or barbed wire…that makes a big difference with low end breathables
You should try (Hodgman-wadelites) they are breathable and very dependable. I have worn mine in any weather situation possible and still holding strong. The good thing is, you can buy them for under or right around 99.00$ If you do get them let me know what you think:cool:
The Bean waders linked earlier in the thread, I will vouch for them…they are decent waders in my opinion, though not truly breathable…the flyweight II is said to be more breathable than the orginal flyweight.
Also, they have some seam leak issues…I just got mine swapped out for leaky seams…I use mine A LOT…Bean will back them and you can order new, pay for them and be credited when the return gets to them so no long wait.
The rep I spoke to let me know they did have some issues with the seams in some of these and they were happy to exchange them and that each new lot was beeing “improved on”.
Probably had 100 hard days of use on them before the exchange…normally wouldn’t have bothered BUT I use Bean a lot and figured it was worth a try and they could have not accepted the return if they were inclined.
Thanks to all. I think I am going with the LLBean waders. I forgot that several years ago, before I actually wore a pair of LLBean waders that he let me use. He said its what he uses for all his clients and had never had a problem with them. He vouched for them. I have actually done several more trips with the same guide in North Carolina and my wife wore a pair on one trip. They worked out good.
Thanks for all the help. You all jogged my memory.