I have decided to spend more time this year with fly fishing my local rivers for smallmouth bass and will do this with a 9 foot 6 weight TCR fly rod. What I am trying to determine is what fly line to use. I do not mean brand or weight line. I intend to use a 6 weight fly line but do not know if I should use WF, full sinking or intermediate sinking line. My rivers here are not real wide or deep. The river pools/holes may be 6 to 8 foot at the most in depth with an overall average of around 6 feet and the riffles in between the pools will be anywhere from 6 inches to 2 foot in depth. I intend to tie up and use clousers, streamers and surface poppers. I have been experimenting lately with a 6wt full sinking line and a 6wt sink tip line and do not like the way a sinking tip line casts. The full sinking line has a smoother turn-over and is easier for me to cast my clousers and streamers. The sink tip, for me, seems more like “chuck and duck” and that may be the casting style or lack of a casting style by me. I need more depth for my flies than what a weight forward will give but feel the weight forward would work better for poppers. I have never tried an intermediate sinking fly line and would like more information from those who have experience with intermediate sinking line. For instance, would an intermediate sinking line work for my streamers and clousers and also work for bass poppers? If, not, than I assume I will need to carry 2 spools with me and use WT for surface fishing and some sort of sinking for clousers/streamers.
So, I need everyone with experience with these lines to advise me or at least give me a description of your experiences with them so that I will have more data to assist me with my choice. If you fish for smallmouth with the fly rod, let me know if you feel I need to stay with a 6wt line on the 6wt rod or if I should overline to 7wt. I have heard and read both sides of this and need input from those with experience with overlining one line weight. I usually use what the rod is rated for, but, if there is an advantage with overlining one line weight for smallmouth fishing, I need to hear what it is.
I just need input to help me here and I do appreciate your help.