Need Advice On A New Rod/Reel

I have decided to upgrade from my $20 walmart special. I really don’t know anything about what rod/reel I need. I am a hardcore trophy bass fisherman, but I am trying to get into fly fishing. I will be using this rod mostly for sunfish and small bass fishing in small creeks/rivers and ponds. Any advice on what I should get? I would like to keep the combo under $300. I am open to buying used tackle if I could get something at a better price also.


First let me say that you have omitted possibly the most important item. Budget $70 for a good line. You don’t need a lot of reel for the kind of fishing you are talking about. You can get an adequate one for $50 dollars or less. That leaves up to $180 for a rod. I would think a five or six weight rod would work well for you. If you are thinking mostly small rivers try for an eight foot rod. For bigger rivers and lakes you would probably want a nine fot rod. If you can accept a two piece rod you will get it a little cheaper than the same rod in a four piece. Temple forks outfitters and St Croix both offer good rods that will come in well under budget in the two piece models. You might also look at packaged combos for a better price but make sure they come with a decent line.

There are many, many ways get an excellent combo for less than $300, either by purchasing rod, reel, and line separately or by purchasing a combo package that includes rod/reel/and line. Based on your stated fishing need I would suggest a 5/6 or 6wt combo. The Temple Fork Outfitters (TFO) NXT combos at $199 are very popular at the shop I help out with. Other popular outfits are the Cortland 444+ outfits, Diamondback Americana Outfites ($249), Redington Red.Fly2 outfits ($250 2pc, $300 3pc), and Ross Essence outifts ($199).

Popular setups here created from separate components include a TFO Signature ($110) 2pc or Professional 4pc ($149) rod paired with a Cortland Pro Cast ($69), Ross FlyStart ($55) or G. Loomis Venture ($100) reel, and lined up with a Rio Mainstream ($40) flyine.

These are just some examples. Bass Pro Shops, Cabelas, Orvis, and LL Bean all also have excellent combo packages for under $300.

My first fly rod was a Scientfic Anglers
with cost me $30.00 with my first reel
which was a Pflueger Medalist that cost
me $25.00 plus an air cel line that cost
about $30.00. Add in a few leaders and
flies and I was fishing for under $100.00.
Although I have collected a few other rods
and reels since then I still have and fish
my first rod and reel. It doesn’t take a big
budget to get out there and have fun. Just
shop around and keep an eye out for good
deals and sales. A 6 wt , 9 ft sounds just
about right for the fishing you described.
With a budget of $300.00 you should be
able to get set up pretty nice. I agree with
rainbowchaser , set aside plenty for a good

I would recommend the Cabelas LST rod with RLS reel. Excellent deal for around $280 I believe. I have the 9’ 7wt and love it.

For your line, see the post about hook and hackle line. As far as the rest goes, I’d head to the nearest fly shop and test out a bunch of gear. That’s really the only way you can determine what works best for you.

If you can ease just a little higher, Orvis is offering a free reel when you buy a Power Matrix, Hydros, or Helios rod. A 2 piece Power Matrix is around $325. If you get the Large Arbor reel, you should be able to turn it around on ebay or the classifieds here for $100 easy, then replace it with a cheapo and still have a $325 rod to play with.

Don’t forget to check out Albright for rods and reels. I bought my son-in-law one of the Albright GP rods so he could be converted from spin fishing to Fly Fishing. Before his casting lesson I tried the rod out and was I impressed. With a Scientific Anglers Mastery line it cast like a rocket. It was so nice, I want one for myself. At $40 or so, it’s a great, great deal.


as a fellow mississippian let me welcome you to the board. if you are into trophy bass fishing then go for the gusto and get an 8 weight. i use a 7 weight but wish i had gone up one more. if you just want to hunt trophies on your heavy gear then i would also suggest a 5 or 6 weight as the others. as others have said get a cheap or used reel get good line and you will still have enough for a good rod. email me if you want to talk.

I will second the Cabela’s LST-RLS combo. They come with Mastery series line. I use a LST 9’ 8wt on pond bass to throw large rabbit strip leaches and poppers it has always had enough backbone. I also use a LST 7’6" 2 wt for bluegills and crappie. They are great rods and reels.

You may want to check out the Sage Bass rods that come in 7’-11" length to be tournament legal. To meet your $300 budget you would probably need to search out a used one. I thought another rod maker came out with a bass rod too, but i cant remember who.

Many options here.The Remington Predator rod in 6wt is about $199,a Sci Anglers Headstart line is around $40,and a Pflueger Medalist reel is around $35.Another option for panfish and bass is a vintage glass rod.I picked up 2 glass rods last year,a Fenwick and a Shakespere Wonderod.Each rod cost about $50 and I got an American made Medalist 1494 for $35 and these are great for what you want to do.

I’d like to suggest a Redington RS4 in a 6wt. I’d pair it with a decent but inexpensive reel of your choosing and on that I would put either a Scientific Anglers GPX in 6wt. or a RIO Grand in 6wt.

I’ll throw in my two pennies here…

First off, I have one of the “mean greens” from Wally world and it has been my best and luckiest bass rod. It started out as an 8’6 two piece and then became an 8’4 when it had a disagreement with the truck door. I liked it so much that I retrofitted a nice reel seat on it and I still use it when I need an extra edge against basses.

Lately however I have really enjoyed my Reddington 9’ 6wt four piece. It has a very fast/stiff action. If I didn’t have such a fondness to my lucky Sci Ang rod I’d use the Reddington for bass. I know it can huck big flies too.

If you only fly fish with one fly rod…you will get very good with it. Suggest the Orvis 9’ 6wt combo at Wal-Mart for approx $115. I have caught tons of trout with it and know it is a good outfit. You can always upgrade later. Why start out spending so much money in a beginning venture when you can introduce yourself to the sport more economically. After having one for awhile you will learn more about fly fishing…and therefore be more knowledgeable about what you want to upgrade to…when the time comes. I would have suggested the Albright Combo Closeout but the only one they have left for $59 is an 8/9wt. Perhaps that may suit you. I dunno.

I did not know that Wal mart had their own brand of fly fishing gear, I have never seen any in their Minnesota Stores. I do know that we have a Sponsors Page, and the Sponsors are very special at help members of FAOL. St. Croix is a reputable fly rod company, so is Albright, Cortland, Elk Horn! Then there is Al & Gretchen Beatty at “BT Fly Fishing Products”, as well as “Temple Fork Outfitters”!

All of the above have the “Seal of Approval” by Deanna Travis (Publisher of FAOL). That is why all of the above are sponsors on FAOL, and all the others are not! ~Parnelli

I have two St. Croix Rods, and my first and favorite sill (after 15 years of fly fishing is a Cortland).

I know that Al & Gretchen Beatty at “BT Fly Fishing Products”, will fit you correctly, without emptying your piggy bank. ~Parnelli

Don’t underestimate the effectiveness of a flyrod for bass fishing. using it in the slop and pads is very effective. i use a 9wt and throw either floaters such as hair bugs or cork to the pockets. this is very effient since you do’nt have to reel in to hit the next pocket. also use the 9wt to throw sub-surface such as a leech, bunny strip, or clouser.

so for this type of fishing a 9’ 9wt is good. i also use an 8wt, because i have one, but find the 9wt easier to use. a good reel is nice but not an absolute necessity. i had a sci angle system 2 and a lamson velocity 4. drag is essential in that you need enough not to slip on the initial hook set and when you ned to drag 10 lbs of weeds in. but 9ou do not need a super smooth drag as you will not get long runs. as for a line, a bug taper or pike taper will through the bug, heavy fies you need for this type of fishing.

as for the sream/river fishing for small bass and giils, what other have said will be good.