Neal Travis, Outstanding

Thanks Neal for your input this week. I have the treasure. I too have an oak desk where I sit and read the bible, and tie flies. I can look out the window into our back yard and watch the quail feeding along the back fence. The wild Canada geese fly low over our house sometimes and remind me that I’m living not too close to civilization. Your story made me feel a lot like I’m Bud. Except that I don’t do canoes and I’m still bless with the presence of my wife.
My treasures are my relationship with Jesus, my wife, my friends and the knowledge that I too may have some lore I can pass on to a younger generation.

Thank you very much,

Joe, my treasure was to have met Neil many, many years ago.

Isn’t it great to have the kind of treasures that you don’t have to lock up in a strong box. I have an old Wells Fargo strong box and there is nothing in it. All my treasures are free. You can’t steal them, I’ll share them for nothing, just for the asking.

I’ll just add that I agree with your post topic and single word review, “Outstanding”.


Just returned from camp and boy what a treat reading about the treasure.

Thank you for this wonderful story Neal!

I will keep it in our open trunk with other cherished treasures we have
to spread around…


Indeed. Better to come to it later in life than not at all.

Excellent column! I enjoyed reading a lot.

Thank you, sir! You only learn to do these things if someone loves you.