These are tied to size and measure 1 1/2 inches.
Great flies Fred!! I especially dig the eyes on the pattern on the left…the orangy red one…man that looks real!!!
Good lookin…what’s the tailing material on the one on the right?
Look like fish catchers to me…Nice Fred !!
You must have a lot of patience to sit wait for the bugs to crawl up your vice and pinch them in the jaws.
great ties
Thanks everyone. ducksterman The abdomen is made as an extended body with deer hair and thread . The three feathery gills at the end are pieces of ostrich herl.
Again a beautiful job, I have concluded that your professional training or the personality that led you to your profession must play an important part in your fly tying. The attention to detail is amazing, in both I would imagine.
Thanks Uncle Jesse , in my profession I help patients smile again . You get to see the transformation from the self conscious half smile to the almost boastful "look at me now "grins when they recieve their new teeth. I’ll never tire of it. Fly tying offers me a different set of challenges that test the creative and problem solving side of my brain. I hope to continue to do both for the rest of my days.
Beautiful ties there, how could a fish resist those?