N Calif angler seeks partner

I’m recently retired and have time to get out more. I’m near Sacramento; I can hit foothill lakes,Clear lake,and delta. I use a cartop pram most of the time. Bass, panfish,stripers; they’re all good. I’ll even throw to trout in the winter. I’m really envious of you midwest guys; you have so many more ponds. Mike 408-807-4340

Just got back from Clearlake. VERY nice BG’s were very active on DARK chirionimids and 10"-12" crappie would occasionally come to 1" surf candie type baitfish immi’s.
…lee s.


Welcome to the forum.


Lee; sorry for delayed response. My club is going back to Clear Lake 04/05/2019 for a crappie fish out. I may try to take a preview trip late March. Are you interested, or have any advice?

Yes, interested. Going to make a trip or two ourselves in Mar. Just got the boat back and gotta try the new (to us) motor before the RRFF club outing there in late Mar. There is a local crappie tournament there this w/e from Clearlake Oaks, I think. A couple weeks ago, they had another “C” tourney and the top ten boats’ fish averaged a bit better than 2#…biggie was 2.6#. Got the itch but can’t scratch until after the Pleasanton show this w/e.
PM me your phone# and we’ll BS a bit…
…lee s.