My wife is Coming Home

This note it to let those of you who are aware of the situation in our house that my bride of 35 years is finally coming home after being confined in a medical facility for problems relative to a person of her age. She was admitted in April and this has been one of the most longest and dreary periods of our life. We just thank the Lord and all those that passed kind words, thoughts & prayers for my wife. You cannot be thanked enough.

This period has been quite a learning experience for me. I came to the conclusion that I was not as mean and lean as I thought and that I really didn’t give Gracie enough credit OR ASSISTANCE in the management of our house. I hope all you guys will take a good look at what your spouse goes throught on a day to day basis.

Also if during this period I offended any of you by a too short or curt posting I apologize as it was not my intent.

Thanks again


What great news. Thank you for sharing.
I’ve been married 38 years, & I hope the “newlyweds” out there read your post & understand that we can all learn & “grow” our relationships no matter how long we have been together.
God Bless you both & I will continue to pray for you,

Glad to hear that this is happening.
Take care of her and yourself also.


:DBest News Ive heard all day.


I’ve been married 23 years and would sure miss my wonderful wife for all those months. It’s great to hear that your home is going to be complete again----at last! 8T :slight_smile:

That is certainly wonderful to hear . Best wishes on the return home of your bride.
I myself would be useless without mine and cannot imagine what you have been going through in your heart.
My prayer is for many more years for You and Yours of togetherness.
I pray for that for Me and Mine daily.

Perch (aka Peter)

I am so glad your wife came home to you. You are a very good person and husband!

Great news! Enjoy the reunion and the chance to spend some time together.

  • Jeff


I am happy for the both of you. That is good news!

Tim -

Wish you and your wife the best as you enter another phase of what must be a difficult period for both of you.


Congrats on the exciting reunion. :smiley:

Great to hear that you two will be together, as it should be.

I have been with my wife for 25 years and it just not feel right when she is not around, some thing feels missing…

God bless, Sir.


Thank you for your post. I thank you for your reminder to me not to take my wife for grant it (bad night).

I could not and hope to never find out your anguish.

I congratulate her on her coming home.

Sounds like you caught your limit 35 years ago. I tip my hat to you and pray for you and yours.


What good news. It made my day and brought a tear to my eye. I wish you all the best in the coming years. :smiley:


Great that your wife is coming home. Like you and your wife, my wife and I are on the back side of 35 years of marriage and I consider every day with her a blessing. You are blessed to have your wife and she to have you. Again, fantastic news.