My Small Fleet of Gurglers

I am becoming a Gurgler fan this summer. This is my small but growing fleet so far. The yellow one with legs was sent to me, and it got me started. The others I tied last night and tonight. Caught a couple panfish on one of the pink ones.

Looking good! Gurglers are definitely effective. In my part of northeast Ohio, yellow is a KILLER color.

Wayne, I too am a HUGE FAN of gurlers. In fact, a yellow gurgler was my number one surface fly last year for bass.

I started tying them on Gamakatsu SC15 2/0 hooks (short shank) to keep the bass from being hooked too deeply- they really scarf them down. Your fleet is on a start to a beautiful relationship!

The gurgler is one of my favorite patterns. You might also try light green and my personal favorite for clear water , black with a little flash. Unless the temp’s push them into deeper water the right color can keep them on the top all day.

Hi Wayne and other gurgler tiers,

Do you use hackle under the body, or something like crystal chenille, or what?

Thanks and regards,


Here in TEXAS we don’t call it a Gurgler unless it’s white… that’s the color that works best!

For what it’s worth, white is my favorite color in Gurglers/Gurgle Pops followed by yellow and chartreuse in that order. I always start with white first and often fish that all day because the action just keeps going. 8T :slight_smile:

I have several colors of foam, white and black will be added as soon as I can get them tied!

I am a beginner Gurgler user. The smaller ones I tied dont have any under body. The larger one has cyrstal chenille. I think the original had hackle. I imagine you could use anything.

I took a gentleman out on Saturday and started with a yellow gurgler. While showing him how to fish it, after one strip, well away from any cover, I heard the surface eruption of the largest bass of the day. I really felt bad about catching a fish during a trip, but I believe I brought over another gurgler fan. He proceeded to catch a handful of spotted bass and largemouth on the gurgler.

A little bass that grabbed one of my Gurglers!

I love Gurglers, In all sizes and colors. Yellow is good in the early mornings. I like Black with yellow tails and Brown with black tails. What is best about Gurglers you can be very creative with craft foam and rabbit fur. Smallies like them also. I have even made large sizes for Stripers