My sister just accepted a directorship at the hospital in Pocatello, Idaho. Besides her insistance that I need to move up there, I do plan on going up as soon as the runoff is over. I would like to hear from people who have fished the area around there and what your experiences were. I live in northern Colorado and have a son in Alaska. I’ve had a blast fishing there, ( who wouldn"t), but I have not surcummed to the desire to move there, (who needs the winters)! Pocatello does sound attactive, though, and I wouldn’t mind the opportunity to explore “new home water”.
Let me know what your experiences are and any advise on where to check out the fishing around there, please.
Welcome to the site. There are alot of places to fish around here, stillwaters and rivers both. A person can travel 2-3 hours from here and be in Boise, Salt Lake city, Yellowstone, Sun Valley, or Jackson Hole. Closer to Poky are the Portnuef river above Lava Hot Spring, South fork of the Snake river, Henry’s Fork. Lots of great stillwaters like 24 mile res, Chesterfield, Daniels res, Springfield res, and about 20 others that have all types of fish. The weather here can be cold in the winter and hot in the summer but I love it here. I have included a couple of web sites of flyfishers in the area and if you want to talk to a great person call Roger at Portnuef River Outfitters 208-232-4776.
Good luck,
There is some fabulous countryside and waters near there! Population density is SPARSE. It’s good country. You’ll enjoy it.
And they have good potatos.
Get off the highway and away from the crowd. There are dozens of creeks in Sawtooth Nat’l Forest, dozens of trib’s into the Salmon. It’s incredible.