MY PARACHUTE - Fly of the week - August 9, 2010


In the seventies, when I started creating my first dressings, a particular type of assemblage impressed me favorably; the parachute.

I did not know that its design dates back to the twenties, for me it was a novelty, an artificial fly out of the classical schemes.

This is such a cunningly simple, brilliant idea! I have never really tied parachutes - 1. in Texas foam spiders/poppers are the topwater of choice and 2. tying in the parachute has always been a maddening procedure.

using the foam strips has set my mind a whirling. I think I am going to attempt with strips of 2mm closed cell foam and see how I turn out. Bream on parachutes ought to be heckka fun.

Very nice! I bet that would work pretty slick for some of the larger parchute patterns as well as Damsels.

Agostino Roncallo:

Thank you for a wonderful article to add to the Fly Angler?s OnLine archives.
[COLOR=darkgreen]Grazie affinch? un articolo meraviglioso aggiungano agli archivi in linea del pescatore della mosca. [/COLOR]

?My Parachute? is more about method than specific fly pattern, yet it fits into everything that has been published under the heading of ?Fly Of The Week?.
?I miei paracadute? sono pi? circa il metodo che il modello specifico della mosca, tuttavia inseriscono in tutto che sia stato pubblicato alla voce ?della mosca della settimana?.

Your photographs are excellent, your writing is impeccable, and your instructions are clear and precise.
[COLOR=darkgreen]Le vostre fotografie sono eccellenti, la vostra scrittura ? impeccabile e le vostre istruzioni sono chiare e precise. [/COLOR]

I have copied & saved almost all of the Fly Tying articles, that have been published on FAOL, and have offered these archives articles on a CD to any member of FAOL who wishes a copy of these past articles. They are in PDF and require the free ?Adobe Reader? download for viewing. Using ?PDF? allows more articles to fit on one CD. After 13 years of weekly publications, the CD is only half full. Email me at with your mailing address, and I will mail you the most current CD (including your 1st contribution to ?Fly of the Week?! These CD’s are free, as is the mailing cost.
Ho copiato il & risparmiato quasi tutta mosca legare gli articoli, quello ? stata pubblicata su FAOL ed ha offerto questi articoli degli archivi su un CD a tutto il membro di FAOL che desidera una copia di questi articoli passati. Sono in pdf e richiedono ?il trasferimento dal sistema centrale verso i satelliti libero del lettore del Adobe? per l’osservazione. Usando ?il pdf? permette che pi? articoli si adattino su un CD. Dopo 13 anni di pubblicazioni settimanali, il CD ? soltanto pieno a met?. Inviilo con la posta elettronica a[COLOR=darkgreen] con il vostro indirizzo della spedizione e lo spedir? il CD pi? corrente (vostro primo contributo compreso ?alla mosca della settimana?! Questi CD’ la s ? libera, come ? il costo spedire.[/COLOR]

Again, thank you for a addition to FAOL. ~Steven H. McGarthwaite (Parnelli)
[COLOR=darkgreen]Di nuovo, grazie per un’aggiunta a FAOL. ~Steven il H. McGarthwaite (Parnelli) [/COLOR]

translation courtesy of
cortesia di traduzione di [COLOR=blue][/COLOR]

hands down, bar none easiest parachute I have ever tied. I will never tie another mayfly parachute any other way.

Nice fly - Scott Sanchez has been using the same concept with his PFD emerger for a few years now.
