My new Winston is a ..........

Puppy! :smiley:

Winston is a surprise birthday gift from my girlfriend. He is awesome! I have not had a dog for three years and terribly missed a dog’s companionship. Every man should have one or two.

So as he grows more pics to come and more info about Winston as we become life long friends.


Thanks for the great photos!
Maybe you can train your puppy to be a FISH dog!
That is a very cute dog and he will be your buddy for a long time.
Doug :smiley:

Winston sure is prettier than “Dot”! :wink:
You are right…everybody should have at least 1. Very nice gift…that Winston will just keep giving, & giving, &…
Happy New Year!

Pretty dog.
That is probably the only Winston that will be more expensive than a Winston :wink:

What a cute pup. I love dogs and wouldn’t be without one. Enjoy him.


Nice looking pup!!! You’re gonna have ta put the materials up high till puppy learns not to chew things!!! From the pictures I notice Winston has you wrapped up already.

Enjoy Bud, dogs really do make life happier.


Happy for ya, and for sure, jealous! We don’t have the luxury of a dog anymore; miss the hell out of one. :smiley:

He is one handsome fella! I will always have a special place in my heart for labs (hell, one of our two pooches is a lab mix). I am constantly amazed by how much joy our dogs have brought us. What a wonderful gift, his constancy and affection for you will be every bit as genuine as yours for him!



Cute little fella you got there. Winston is a fitting name. I see he has you and your family hooked. :smiley:

Hope you had a great Christmas.

Thanks for sharing! 8)


Happy Birthday Jerry! Beautiful pup - confirmation for what I’ve suspected all along: Debbie is a keeper! I’m very glad to see that things are going well for you. Looking forward to seeing you guys in a couple of weeks. :wink: Best Wishes for a joyous and Happy New Year…Ed

Nice dog - now how about the “hog”? Good for ya guy! Never thought we would ever have one…let the son get one 1 1/2 years ago, right now she is glued in front of the wood stove and cute as a button. Winston should be good medicine.
Mike K.

Nice dog , I have 1 lab and 3 Shiz tsu brats. the lab is the only one with manners. lol

How long before we see a Dot with Winston on it, I ask myself. lol

Great looking dog. Will he be sitting on back of bike when you pull into Pa. Fish In this year. Was great having you with us last year.

Now that’s the best looking Winston I’ve ever seen! Lucky guy you are Dot Man. Chocolate Labs are as good as it gets! Fantastic companions, great attitudes and they want to be friends with and play with everyone.

Mine is 9 years old and a real hoot. Even friends who aren’t fans of dogs just love our Scully. We didn’t know until several months after we got her that she has the pointing lab gene in her. When she locked up on a cockbird Phesant on our farm one day on a walk our jaws dropped. Labs have a great sense of humor too. Check out the picture from a couple weeks ago. I was taking shots of our boys and the dog for a holiday card and Scully decided to ham it up : )

Yup, if I had the time and more room I’d have a whole herd of Chocolates running around here. Tons of great fun to come for you.

my dog tht i had to give away is named winston also…sigh :frowning: …he was a great dog

My Dad had a black Lab named Winston Churchill. Us Kids called him Win or Winny.

I read somewhere that the most popular dog is the Lab and the most popular name for a lab is Shadow.

I found this out after we got our Lab and called it Shadow. Oh well at least I’d probably do well on
“The Family Feud”