My New Rod

Hey all,
I was looking for a new fly rod for the last fw mounths and i think I have made a choice. I’m going to go with the Sage VT2 9 weight 9 foot long rod. I was wondering if anyone here has this rod or has used it and can tell me if its a good rod of if i should go for a different one. Many thanks in avance.

Salmon Man

Not exactly, but one of my favorite rods was a 9ft. 9wt. Darned how I loved that thing.

You going after tuna?

I have a 8wt 9’6" VT2 built last year. Saved some cash and got a beautiful custom rod with my name on it. It’s Awesome, I can throw sinkers with it and handles the biggest of steelhead.

I’m taking it to canada in a month to try for pike and walleye! Looking forward to it!

If you want the info on my rod builder, let me know.

Hey all,
Gramps im not going after tuna lol if going to use it to fish for salmon here in newfoundland i heard that most poeple are using 8wt-9wt for them.

Chris Jacobs its good to hear that someone else has the same kind of rod and liked it i hope i will too.


I have not cast anything that big from Sage, but I have the VT2 8’6" 3wt and it is a BEAUTY!