My first trout of 2009

Went to the Caney Fork river today. This for the Middle Tennessee Fly fishers, annual freeze out. They shut down the generators for 4 hrs, so I decided to wet a line.
Caught a brookie for the fist fish of the year. Thanks spinner1 Also my fist brook trout.

I wish I could be out fishing now.
I am jealous. Nice first fish of the year.

Congrats on your fish!

Nice fish!:smiley:

Congrats. My fisrt trout of the year, (and only fish of the day) was a snaky brown about that size on a BHPT. Make four casts, turn around and take pictures of sparrows eating midges along the shore, repeat…

A light sweater and sun shining on your hand ?? And a nice fish to show it off !! Good way to start the year.

That would be great to already be out for the year, im going tomorrow. Good catch, the colors are awesome!!! :cool:


Way to go! Nice fish! I did get out for awhile this afternoon on the Elk. They stopped generating for about 4 hours this afternoon and I did manage to catch 3 rainbows, 1 brown and 2 crappie all from the same run! Nothing over 12" but sure a lot of fun. By the way, was that fish caught on your new rod?

Congrats…Beauty!! Happy New Year. I’ll try to get out this weekend.

Now that is the way to start out 2009; tight lines and beautiful trout !!!

Great to see you catching some fish. Hope we can get together this weekend.

The sub freezing temps suck right now and I wish I was some where warm fishing. I’m trying to scratch the itch with a fly tying class that starts next week and dreaming about fly fishing sport shows.



Nice!! Great start to the new year.

I’ve been getting very anxious to get out, even had time off. So instead of catching fish, I caught a cold and it’s snowing out.

God, I love Brookies!

Good post rons81, nice fish, that’s a great way to start a new year…:slight_smile: