My Baja adventure.

I had a wonderful time in the La Mision area of Baja Mexico. I arrived in San Diego and called a fly shop to see if they were open and to pick up some flies for the trip. After 3 minutes of being assaulted the the most elitist rude service on the phone I’ve ever eperienced from a shop, I decided I to go with what I brought and not spend money there. Crossed the border and lost my mind at the beauty of the Baja coast just unreal.
The fishing itself was some of the most difficult I have ever attempted with a fly rod. Casting from the shore with an 8wt and no experience was an unsuccesful combination. I coudn’t time the breaks right and my casting quickness was too slow. I’m more of a “lazy river” guy and this seemed to be lightning casting. I lasted about 1hour a day and just left chuckling. I must give you all who succefully fish from the shores of the Pacific the utmost respect it is an challenge unlike anything I’ve encountered…Sorry not too much on the fishing or no great fish to talk about but the Baja is a wonderful place and if anyone is looking for a place to unwind (my fishing aside) I highly recommend it.

I’ll bet you still had more fun than those of us sitting on our butts in front of a computer!!!

Janus -

To quote a revered but unidentified Master -

“Your worst day of fishing is better than your best day of working.”

Now you have a leg up for your next trip. I’ll take even odds on you doing some catching next time you venture down that way.


Janus, Glad you had a nice time down there. True, casting from knee-deep in the surf is a different game for sure. If you decide to go back or do more of that type of fishing learning the ‘double-haul’ will improve your day (and catching chances) immensely. If you own that 8wt. you can teach yourself how at home. You can do it; it is not hard to learn and makes fishing not only possible, but fun! :slight_smile:

Hey thanks all I’m not complaining. I was in Mexico! not Cleveland! I just have to be better prepared with my skills next time I make it to that type of water. But I had a wonderful time…bought some interesting things for my kids. And, was offered many more interesting things that I hope my kids never get involved with.