Hey guys, I also participate in the realistic fly tiers forum, and there are several of us thinking about entering the mustad flytying competition, I’m entering in the super realistic categories, but htere are many other categories, anyone on this BB is entering?? it would be a great hting to do hehehe not that I think I can win, but I can mesure my skills with some of the best tiers in the world, and that certainly gives you some experience, here is the link so you can check it out if interested
U bet, as soon as the event is over we can publish the pics hehehe but meanwhile I’ll be tying several patterns to choose one to send, so the ones that are not going in we’ll be posted here
Glad to hear your entering Carp. It’s a fantastic teaching tool. Every time you think you have the perfect fly tied, do another one. The finest of details will not go unnoticed, down to an extra wrap of thread. Keep everything perfectly symmetrical. When you mail it off make sure your able to track it, you’ll go nuts wondering if it got there in time. And once you know its there forget that you even tied it the long wait for the results will drive you crazy. Don’t know if I’ll enter myself this year but I have done well in the past.
6- golds, 2-silvers, 2- bronze.
5 were for the dry fly cat and 1 for the streamer cat. you can see the pics on their sight, my two earlier drys
you won’t see but the others you should. If I can help you in anyway give me a PM. Realistics aren’t my bag but the judging is still the same.