If you have the time look up the article “Namesake Flies” under Features then Bob Boese. The Black Boudreaux shown there is probably the greatest fly innovation of this young century. So far I can personally attest to it catching bass, bluegill, redear and green sunfish, catfish, gar (yes, two spotted gar), white and black crappie (sacaliat), rainbown and brown trout.
Got your attention yet?
Hello CoachBob, thanks for posting this…read the entire article, liked the ‘What 20 Million Women Want’ funny, read the tying instructions…very simple tye. I’m going to give Black Boudreaux a try in various sizes…I don’t see why it wouldn’t work on everything I fish for here. Couple questions though…on the black bead chain eyes from the hobby stores, are those plastic and if not, would plastic be ok? Also, do the beads go on top or under the hook?
Thanks again for the great story and pattern CoachBob and happy turkey day !
Here’s a direct link to the article for those wanting the easy way to find it.
That’s a simple tie that will produce! I like it.
My local big box hardware (menards) sells black bead chain in the lighting area. Might be a little easier to find than a hobby lobby. Also, the bead chain is a way to weight the fly so I would think that with plastic bead chain the fly would just be lighter.
i have some specific questions that are probably ignorant, but here goes. i am assuming the tinsel is just flat tinsel? does the color matter? also, the hackle in the photo looks shiny. is this due to the tinsel or is the tinsel he is using something that actually has some fibers on it rather than the flat tinsel? thanks.
Also Ace Hardware stores carry various sizes and colors of bead chain you can purchase at what ever length you like…decent prices…seems to vary from store to store…
All the stores have Christmas decorations out. So now is the time to stock up on tinsel. You will not find it any cheaper in any of your catalogs. There is various colors and widths.
Hi All,
The black bead chain is metal and is from Hobby Lobby. I have also used gold/brass bead chain when tying a chartreuse version, and that chain came from a hardware store. The eyes are tied on the side of the shank opposite the hook bend.
The tinsel can be everything from Christmas tinsel to traditional (expensive) fly tying tinsel. One pack of plastic Christmas tinsel from WallyWorld or a drugstore will last a lifetime.
The shine on the hackle in the picture is due to the fact that that fly used black saddle hackle that did have a sheen. My favorite color is actually chocolate (on which I caught the cold water trout) with black eyes and tail.
Ray will be tying these at the Acadiana Fly Rodders Conclave in Lafayette, LA on 7 February and at the FFF Gulf Coast Conclave on 16 May. He does several other very nice patterns, including particularly an epoxy crab, but the success of the Boudreaux fly makes it in great demand for shows.
Here’s another hint: I generally use inexpensive saddle hackle since I will be trimming the hackle down to within 1/4 inch of the shank. Stiff dry fly hackle works, of course, but is more costly than necessary for this fly.
Today (Thanksgiving) I caught 3 bass (including 2 on a dropper rig on the same cast), a bluegill, a green sunfish and a sacalait all on an olive and black Boudreaux (obviously on 2 for the double). The water here was in the 50s and the fishing was sporadic – as evidenced by the variety of fish caught. See the attached photo of the double and ignore the ugly guy.
Now the guy in that pic with the doubles looks like one happy camper. Thanks for the tying tips on the Boudreaux…kinda wondered if the hackle was trimmed.
That’s a neat looking fly and sounds like it will catch about anything in the water. Also liked the “Cajun” jokes injected there. Jimsnarocks
Another nice bass taken on a Black Boudreaux.
I’m telling you folks, it’s a wonder fly.
This was just caught on a dropper using a strip-strip-pause retrieve.
It was also caught on a 7’6" TFO 3wt. It took 5 minutes to get the bass in.
Three pretty spectacular jumps.
Coach Bob;
Are the eyes plastic or metal on the flies you are using ??? I'm asking about the actual flies that you are using.
Metal from Hobby Lobby.