I am looking to get a multi-tip fly line for a new 6WT that I am going to build. I am talking about the lines with the loop connections that let you switch between floating, intermediate, slow sink and fast sink tips of about 12-15 feet in length, on the same running line. I am not talking about the shooting head systems, with the interchangeable heads of about 30 feet in length.
I see that Scientific Anglers, Cortland, Rio, and Airflow all offer multi-tip lines. I have only used SA lines, so I’d like to get opinions comparing these lines to each other.
I’ve thrown the Cabela’s Prestige Plus and the Rio. The Prestige is okay, but the Rio casts better and the loops used for connecting the heads are very small and streamlined to pass throught the guides much more cleanly. SA is also going to a streamlined loop system though I haven’t seen it yet on the multi-tip (have seen one on the new GPX, looks as good as the Rio).
Orvis has one two (which could be SA cause they do make some of Orvis’s lines)
I have it on my 8wt with a floating, intermediate, Type III and a Type VI.