This sign-up period is over.
Eight typers are participating.
Please send your eight flies so that they arrive at the swapmiester by Feb 2, 2011.
Also, please send your flies with “toe tags”.
Many of us started fishing by chucking hardware for bass. One of the more productive lures is the rubber worm or rubber grub with a Mr. Twister type tail. That is, a curly thin rubber tail that gives life to a rubber grub or worm. In the past I have read threads about how various fly-tyers have emulated this venerable pattern. So, I was wondering, are there ten fly tyers out there who share an interest in tying up a batch of flies with Mr. Twister-type tails and swapping? I hope so.
All fly patterns for this swap must have a tail like a Mr. Twister tail. Any hook size, any materials you choose.
Send flies with toe tags and return postage to me so that they arrive on or before groundhog day, February 2, 2011. Flies that do not include postage will be held until postage is paid. Communication is important. Please give timely notice if you can not fulfill your commitment. I will send my e mail address by pm to all who join the swap.
Sign up deadline is high noon (Eastern Time Zone USA, Coordinated Universal Time minus 5 hours) on Saturday Jan. 8 unless the swap is full before then.
I will post the number of flies needed at that time.
Howdy there Mr Ed,
If we join this swap and you get our flies a day late will you beat us like step children and send us our flies back as if we were slaves?
Or will you be kind and a gentlman and forgive us for being human? LOL
Yes I would love to participate in this swap if you are not a troll or a drill sargent…LOL
Two years ago I hosted a “no-feather bugger swap”. There were a couple of sets of flies that were a few days late. They communicated with me and I didn’t have a problem with that.
THEN, I went and had a heart attack while at work. I still remebemer a first aider whispering to another first aider that my blood pressure was 50 over something!!! My life flashed before me and I felt at peace. Then I thought WAIT A MINUTE, I have a lot of things I want to accomplish. I am not ready to go! I am going to fight this thing. Eventually(45 minute response time) the amulance carted me off to a hospital. A few hours later I was transferred to another hospital and was wheeled directly into the catheterization lab.
From the hospital I communicated with the swapers (the cardiology unit had wireless internet access)to let them know that the swap would be delayed. A week after I came home from the hospital with new hardware inside of my coronary artery, I felt well enough to sort and mail out the swap flies. What normally would have taken me a couple of hours, took me all day BUT I enjoyed doing it more than ever.
My point in retelling this tale is that sometimes life interferes with fishing and fly tying. So be it.
Please communicate if there is a problem getting your flies in on time. It makes all the difference.
BTW I now work out at a gym 2 or 3 times a week and I feel pretty darn good!
Sounds like the makings of a good swap for my kind of fishing! That, and I haven’t swapped with Jeffro for awhile now. Count me in, I can do a twister-tail pattern that should prove productive for panfish, trout and most definite for bass. I’m in!
Howdy Bass_Bug been along time Amigo…Thanks man, I take that as a compliment Kind Sir!!!
I was hoping ta see you post here,will look forward to seein what you build.
I havent tried this before …I found some really small chartruece grubs called “Beetle Grub” put out by Berkley Johnson.
Now just gotta find a pattern…seems like the Fly Tyer Magazine had an article with these rubber tails but not sure if thats where I saw it.
Several years ago I bought about 50 packs of soft plastics at Wally World for a dime a pack at the end of the tackle season. All different styles and colors. Really had no use for them, but it was one of those bargains I just couldn’t walk away from. I just went through them and found the perfect pack of curly-tailed worms that will soon just be worms. By the time they wake up in another 5 years they’ll never even remember having curly tails in the first place! Now to rifle through the fly materials with my Mad-Tyer hat on and come up with something for the swap. <insert evil laugh here>:twisted:
Jeff, just think of the plastic tail as another material. With your killer perch flies, you’ll find the right pattern I’m quite sure. Looking forward to this swap.
All fly patterns for this swap must have a tail that moves or acts like a Mr. Twister tail. It does not have to be rubber or silicone like the original. The Mr. Twister tail can be made out of any material. Also you can use any hook size, any materials you choose.
I didn’t know that there were such tails sold for fly tying!!! At one time tying plastic tails on a fly would have gotten you drummed out of polite society. Now, my fly tying almost seems mainstream!!!
I cut a tail off a Mr. Twister Phenom Worm and tried tying it on a hook. Danville 6/0 cut right thru it like a knife through warm butter. Then I tried UTC 140. The soft plastic didn’t seem to care, there’s no way to use this plastic tail I had, it’s tears too easy. Too bad because the worm color is basically clear plastic filled with red and blue glitter and looks great. Mr. T calls it ‘fire and ice’.
Plan B: I started digging through my materials and came up with some super thin suede. About as thick as 120# card stock or the cover on a cheap spiral notebook. I used a tail off the worm and traced on the suede, then cut out. It’s dark brown, but it colored nicely with a black sharpie. A few strands of black crystal flash to high light the tail, lead wire under body, red leach yarn body (but it’s really a red-purplish-black), small oval silver ribbing and a black spade soft hackle type collar, all tied on a TMC 300 #6 hook with 140 and 70 denier black thread. The 140d to tie down the lead wire and suede tail, 70d or 6/0 for the rest. After tying up the first 6, I decided it should be named “The Riddler”.
Ed, What’s the sign up deadline, and how many flies to we need to send?