I will be moving back to the mo-kan area this weekend to start working at Bass pro and would love to get a line wet next week. I am tempporarily going to stay in topeka across the street from lake shawnee until I find a place closer to Olathe. I am asking for prayers for my wife and sons as they are staying in indiana until our house sells. Look for Jeff in footwear at Bass pro. CHEERS
I lived in Topeka for about 5yrs. just before 2000. Fished Shawnee alot! They stock it with hatchery trout during the winter. If you can stand the cold the trout will help with the winter blues. About May I’d fish for channel cats with some doughbait called Bee-Jay and did well. On the South end of the lake you can park at the edge of the water and fish. Caught alot of good sized gills there, some walleye and yellow perch. That lake has alot of big flathead catfish in it too. Spring yeilds alot of crappie too. You’ll have to go to the West side of the dam and get a city lake permit to be legal to fish Shawnee. I really miss fishing there. It’s a great lake!
You’ll need to run downstairs on Thursday evenings!! That’s where we have our flytying therapy sessions! Looking forward to meeting you!
I work 4 to close that night. that may be the thing to do on my dinner break.
where were you Betty, I was sure I would get to meet you too. Maybe next time
I will be there next week … if the bubonic plague doesn’t get me first!! I have a gopher hanging to the back of my throat. Didn’t think anyone would want me to pass it along, although I would be delighted to have it gone!! Have played couch potato all week; heavy sweater, box of tissues, glass of orange juice, whiney, and very deep, voice. Got to get up and moving today … the Halloween candy is gone.
Sure hope the “boys” were on their good behavior!