moulded foot wells....a pain?

Chime in if you have experience with them. Seems like the take up a lot of room and leave you no where to put your feet while fishing.

I assume you are talking about Ocean Kayak, which uses molded in footwells. They are sort of a love hate thing. The good thing about them is that they provide rigidity to the structure, which is why Ocean Kayak kayaks are lighter than most of their counterparts. They are comfortable and fine adjustements can be made by adjusting the location of the seatback. Some people say they rub their ankles, but I’ve never had anyone that actually used an OK say that. Its just something people that don’t have one seem to assume. I tend to like them since you don’t have to deal with adjustable footrests, but there are downsides. Older designs would hold water in each of the separate footwells keeping some of the water from draining. Newer designs have a gutter that drains the footwells. Also, if you are going to add a rudder with foot adjustments, it is harder to line up the footwells with the rudder paddle track. If you are agile enought to stand in the kayak, they tend to get in the way. I don’t have that problem.

Thanks. I didn’t think about the rudder system. I think I could stand up and fish(good balance). I guess that knocks Ocean Kayaks out of the running. Thanks for the input.

Hummm Mostly ppl put them in the footwell’s…But I could be wrong!

Sorry Had to do it…But My outback has’em and I still can stand in it…theres a nice flat area right infront of my seat…not real roomy…but just enough…Native waters ultimates are said to be the chit for standing…and very stable…not a bad price either.