are Farius Italian fisherman.
we mark this Italian website dedicated to “Mosca Valsesiana”, an ancient technique of "Val Sesia, very similar to Tenkara.
Nice site. Thank you for posting the link.
Thanks for sharing
The more I read this fine article, the more I see a very strong resemblance to the old loop rods of easrly America and UK, including the materials used for the rod, splicing methods for the rod and the horsehair line. The flies of the region are similar to North Country Spiders used on the high gradient streams of the Highlands. All of these techniques are indeed similar to the early Tenkara rods and fisihing technique. What was old is new again. You just can’t keep an effective fishing style down.
Very interesting and well done site, thanks for sharing.
Thank you for posting the link. Pesca alla Valsesiana is almost completely unknown here in the US, but as interest in tenkara grows I think interest in pesca alla Valseniana will grow, too. I have tried it a few times with a couple of the stiffer tenkara rods, and it is a very nice way to fish. I have just a couple pages about it on my TenkaraBum site, and will visit the http://www.moscavalsesiana.it/index.php site regularly to learn more.
There are a lot of patterns by Walter Bartellini from Lawrie’s book
‘International Trout Flies’ (1969), also in an article, Alpine Flies, on my web-site.