More materials!

Do I NEED more? Absolutely not!
I barely even WANT more. Well, that isn’t exactly true. Of course I want MORE colors of certain materials, can always use more hooks, etc etc etc.

Today I arrived at work, and found part of an ostrich feather on the floor of my cubicle. I can only imagine it was part of the hand dusters used by the cleaning company. How fortuitous that it should end up in my cubicle…who else could put it to such good use?

And then my buddy calls me and says he went to a garage sale this morning, and couldn’t pass up buying a bunch of fly-tying material for me, even though he doesn’t tie flies, and only rarely even fly-fishes.
So, during lunch I paid him a visit to look at his haul. Almost all of it was pretty good stuff that I actually will use in the patterns I tie! A variety of good rooster hackle patches in grizzly, brown, and badger furnace hackle, and loose hackle feathers, mylar tubings, a couple flashy chenilles, tinsel spools, thread spools, small foam and cork bodies.
There was a variety of colors of deer hair, along with some elk and moose. And included were some items I’d been looking for recently, like pale blue hackle (for a Hardy Devil fly)…and some hen pheasant! There was a pair of wings, and a really nice soft saddle hackle patch from a hen pheasant! I was REALLY excited to see that in there.

Dave what a great find. Now imagine every fly tyer/ fisherman at their work reading this post.

I know I am taking off eary early to check on my stash of stuff!!!

Dale the garage sale is apparently right north of you…on NE 15th, behind Earl May’s. Maybe you know the guy?
My buddy said he had a vice for $5, but my buddy didn’t know whether it was a “good one” or not. Said it looked pretty simple and plain…but don’t they all?

The garage sale is/was 7 blocks straight north of your place, Dale. Maybe you know the guy? You DO know all the fly tyers in the area, right?

You know…now that I’ve given you this list of what was in it, you can tell me it was stolen from you, and copy the list back to me! To truly identify this stuff, I might have to ask more detailed questions like…How many barbules were left on the photo-printed goose feather? ;o)

No fox skin was included, unfortunately.
Now that I think about it, I don’t recall any rabbit fur either! that’s odd. There was some squirrel, though! And wood duck, mallard flanks, pheasant and turkey tail feathers…