[FONT=“Book Antiqua”]Tell Me, and I’ll forget,
Show Me, and I may remember,
Involve Me, and I will understand…
[/FONT]Author Unknown
[b] [COLOR=“Red”] GRHE, Sparkle Dun, Humphy, EHC, Adams, Partrige and Yellow
[/COLOR]This will be Our camps staple fly set to use during tying instruction with our Young Happy Hearted Guests… [COLOR=“DarkGreen”][SIZE=“2”]Just because,
[/b]Steve Molcsan & Son
Camp Proprietors
[FONT=“Comic Sans MS”][COLOR=“Red”]Happy Hearts on Mom’s Pond, Yosemite[/COLOR][/FONT]
Thanks, your right it is in Island park, the cabin is sandwiched between
two small wild trout brooks thirty feet off the back deck and twenty feet
from the window where were are tying. Hotel and Yale/Kilgore creeks…
They each drain into Island Park reservoir.
The snake is five minutes down the road all right in the heart of the Henrys Fork…
My in-laws place, some say that is why I married my wife…I have no comment