Montana flies

A friend just asked if I would tie up some flies as a Christmas present for her nephew in Montana. Not having fished Montana yet, I’m not sure if there are any favorites for the fishermen out there. He’s a trout fisherman, with a fair amount of experience in the area. Any ideas for good patterns that I should include? Dries, nymphs, streamers, the whole ball of wax. Thanks, guys.

What flies to tie for a Montana Flyfisherman?

It all depends upon what he likes to fish. My favorites are Olive CDC Elk Hair Caddis, Orange or Royal Stimulators, BWO, PMD, Partridge & Orange Soft Hackle, Prince’s Nymph, Copper John, Hare’s Ear, Pheasant Tail, Black or Olive Wooly Bugger.

There are more, but these cover the majority of what I do.

yep that should pretty much cover it in my opinion, maybe throw in a few scuds for Spring creeks, stillwaters and tailwaters as well as a Griffiths Gnat.

Thanks, guys. That’s just what I needed to know. I appreciate the help.

You got a good list from Ricky, but suggest size 14-16 Tan Caddis, size 14 Yellow Sally, and some Tricosif you want to round it out more.

You would probably get more focused suggestion if you would tell us where he lives or what waters he fishes?

According to “A River Runs Through It” they’re biting on Bunyan Bugs.

LOL forgot about the tricos…but I usual;ly miss out on them anyways simce I am in the mountains at that point. Good point especially for the Missouri

Don’t forget a hopper pattern, such as a Dave’s Hopper. Parachute Adams and Renegade are also worth considering. Turekes Tarantula and Chernobyl Ant are two other patterns I would include.