Monster Trout in Los Angeles

I really need a 3 weight! It’s nice to know that with a little bush whacking and boulder hopping you can find these beauties just minutes from the urban sprawl of LA. It was a great Sunday!

Sure is a purty little fish.


1 wt would be a blast, even an 0 wt. Lovely fish.

Hello DSFlyman, you’ve got me wondering
if that’s a San Gabriel rainbow and if so, is
there such a thing as a native of the same
anymore. Pretty trout.



I swear I caught that same fish this past weekend in Tennessee :slight_smile:

Paul, Is that fishie from Azusa Canyon or the LA river? Jim

Well, this came out of the San Gabriel Mountains a few miles up from where I understand some stocking takes place. I can’t give you a positive ID on the trout though.

Ok, thanks DSFlyman, I was just wondering
since that nice looking rainbow looks fairly



Fixed yer post DS…

Hi DS,

I would be proud of that fish anywhere! 8T :slight_smile:

LOL - I’m thinking of building a 2 weight - one of those 6 1/2 foot baston forcast blanks.