Missing Persons

I hesitate to post this thread because of the many possibilities of striking a nerve, but I guess it can be yanked pretty easily if it’s not appropriate.
I’ve enjoyed the posts of several people on the board that I haven’t seen posting for quite some time. Getting bounced for breaking the rules of the board is one of the more sensitive possible reasons. Deceased members is another. Conflicts between posters may be another. Changing interest and changing lives are a less sensitive reason for absence. I’m not sure if it’s appropriate to ask about these people, but I feel a sense of loss for not seeing them. Diane, and Diane ID are two that come to mind. Grizz is another. I’m sure there are others I haven’t missed yet, and I’m sure there are some that you have wondered about. I don’t want to open a can of worms, so I won’t inquire from the group in open forum. If you kids are lurking out there, let us hear from ya!

I don’t think it’s a can of worms. I happen to agree and hope that I have not caused anyone to leave. Of course some, like Harrold and Al, are no longer with us on this earth.:frowning:

Lew I tend to agree with you but let me add a hopeful word to you. It is warmer out than in Jan and people are out fising more not sitting at the computer all day. I know that I have not been as active as this winter due to the fact of instead of comming home right after work I have been stopping at the pond on the way home for about an hour or so. Hopefully that is what has happened to some of them. The other option is that the government was just spying on us to make sure that they are screwing up our water ways enought to slow this grass roots thing called fishing. I am sure that Joe V’s phone has been tapped and all his emails have been read by many three letter government agencies.

If anyone asked you never read this :slight_smile:

And its Vacation time.

There are a few people that don’t post anymore that I miss a lot. :frowning:

… and they asked if I did anything with my life besides talk fly fishing, photograph food and bake bread. My reply was; “Is here anything else?”


Julia “Oven God” Valencic… I’m just POSITIVE, your lovely WIFE would love to read your last post!? (I, know, I’ve got your phone number written down somewhere…)