Mini Dungeon articulated streamer

Been on an articulated streamer kick - hoping to target some bigger smallmouths this season. This is a slight variation of the original Mini Dungeon by Kelly Galloup

All of this:

Turns into one of these:

Back of the fly is tied on an articulated shank
Thread: Tan, 140-denier
Tail: small bunch of rabbit fur clipped from zonker strip, grizzly dyed tan marabou over the top of it
Body: root beer crystal chenille
Hackle: barred ginger, palmered like a Wooly Bugger
Wing: grizzly dyed tan marabou
** Connect the hooks with a wire loop
Front Fly:
Hook: 3X long, size 4 straight-eye streamer hook
Eyes: dumbbel, tied to the bottom of the hook shank
Thread: Tan, 140-denier
Tail: two grizzly dyed tan marabou feathers, one tied to each side of the hook
Body: root beer crystal chenille
Hackle: barred ginger, palmered like a Wooly Bugger
Wing: grizzly dyed tan marabou
Flash: gold Flashabou tied on either side of the wing
Head: deer hair, spun and clipped

Very nice, Alberto. I bet it’s got the shimmies.


Good one Alberto!


Nice job, thanks for sharing!