Midwest Flyfishing Expo

Just wondering who is going to the show on Saturday?
I will be there along with Bill Horner (Fat Bill).
I thought we could all meet and put some faces to the names.

I’m planning on going up and back on Saturday. Will know Wednesday after my club meeting how many will be tagging along.


Unfortunately, as I told you & Jack when we last spoke, I can’t make it. Celebrating my eldest Daughters birthday has to take priority. Have a great time & say “HI” to everybody for me.

:smiley: Brad,
Jean and I will be there.
We can Discuss a little about the Fish-In.
Come to Think of It, thats all we do at all the Fish-In meetings(Talk a little about the Fish-In & spend more time on other stuff). Looking forward to seeing You, and Bill again.
But can you imagine using your daughter as an excuse to miss a meeting?SHEESE!!!
Just kidding Mike, we will MISS YOU not being there.
Wish Molly a Happy Birthday from All of Us.

Thanks!..Molly’s actual Birthday was yesterday & I babysat while Dan took her out. Imagine me alone with 11 month old twin girls & 2 year old Tori. When they got home, I had the twins asleep on my lap & had been told “Good job Pampaw!” 3 times by Tori for my expertise in changing diapers & refilling bottles. Not too shabby for an old man, hunh?
BTW…make sure you put a sign on our FAOL tables…Joe Valencic will look you folks up.

Well, I’m not sure if I’m going or not. MIght have friends coming to town and don’t want to be rude by leaving the day they get here. I know there will be a contingent from Three Rivers Fly Fishers www.3rff.org there. Not many of them post on here though. Bill Fitzgerald will most likley be there and some others. Have to see what the word is from our friends…

I’ll be there on Saturday, and this year I’m even bringin’ the wife! :shock: :roll: Am also planning on dropping her off in Ann Arbor on Friday for a conference and then making my way up to Bass Pro Shop for the day! :twisted: 8)

Woo Haa!! It looks like a gathering!! We’ll miss Mikey but then, we’ll have someone to talk about!! :twisted:
Mike you aren’t to shabby for an old man 'cause you ain’t old!! :stuck_out_tongue:

Looks like I may make it after all. Jack, I’ll see you somewhere I’m sure, if you’re wearing your hat anyway.

I’ll try to go Saturday. Is there anyone else from Southwest Michigan going who would like to carpool? I have three seats open (two in the back are rather small).

Joe and Jack (and anyone else), make sure you look me up while you’re at the Expo. I’ll be the really frazzled guy trying to figure out which end is up!


I won’t be there after all. :frowning: We have the first mandatory plant wide overtime of the year this Saturday. They are early this year. Usually they save this for the last Saturday in April but I’m sure management will come up with something then too.

I’ll be there both days. Hopefully I’ll find the table!

Yep, I’ll be at the one in Mpls. at the end of the month if any of you are going to be around. I’ll be there all day…


I’ll wear the hat with the green frog pinned to it!
I’ll also dig out one of my shirts with the FAOL patch (if they are not packed!)
Everybody that has one of Brads frog’s should wear them!

Maybe we can hijack a table at the food stand around noon. I will make a table sign so everyone can find us.

50/50 here. Hoping to bring along a new fly fisher. Will done the Green Frog pending a Saturday visit. Jonezee

Ok, FAOL’ers with the Green Frog, how about a pic of what this frog looks like. I tie the STP frog which looks like this:

If it’s something different, let us “newbies” know so we know who to look for.



That will work!! Mine will have yellow legs.