Midge Pattern


Playing around with midge patterns. What do you think?

I think I want to soak it the Mo

Nice one, Byron …looks just right…Dan

Something looks fishy!! That’ll do just fine… :slight_smile:


 I like the looks of this pattern.  Is very similar to a pattern I tie except for the CDC.  


that fly will fish all day long, any river any time


Like em’ a lot - weird, but I’ve yet to try CDC!! Have fly tying friends, close by, who use it a lot - just never rubbed off on me - also a little afraid I might like the stuff and all my other flies will become obsolete! LOL!!

Best regards, Dave S.

No, you will just have many more flies!!!

Those will catch some very tough trouts! Nice!!

Very nice! Looks like it would work well for BWO’s also.


Nice fly! that’ll catch Trout

Nice tyes! That ought to do the trick.

Hi Kelkay. I went to Photobucket to look at your flies. Great ties.

Thanks a lot kelly

Thanks lastchance, glad you took a look at my little collection!!