If you want to avoid the weekend canoe hatch head to Wakely Lake just down M72 a piece. Hike about 1/4 mile with your 'toon, tube or canoe and enjoy some great warm water fishing. Rember it’s Catch & Release!!
The carryout on the corner of M72 and Stephan’s Bridge road rents 'toons but you have to bring your own PFD. Many, many places to rent canoes also.
I may just take my new 'toon on its maiden voyage there with mcsteff and his!
I’ll be taking my canoe to Wakely Lake on the 4th (got wheels under it for transport). I’ve been on Wakely with the 'toon for the past couple of years, and in my opinion that’s the best way to experience Wakely. While you’re reeling in a monster bluegill, 4-5# largemouth bass are swimming at your feet and charging the bluegill which appears injured. If you just sit motionless in the 'toon, bass will school around your feet in the shadow of your craft. It’s an awesome experience, and you don’t even think about trying to catch these fish…they have become your companions in the quest to catch the biggest bluegill.
Sounds like a plan…a good plan, Jack! See ya on Sunday or Monday or whenever.
As long as we are back in time for the cookout!! I have my priorities is order, fishing and food!
Make room for me guys! I’ll be haulin my pontoon up also. I gotta try Wakely.
Also talked to Tony today Jack. He will be coming to the Fish-in (probably the cookout) and we can make our plans for Friday.
What a grand time this is going to be!! The best of the year!! I hope you guys don’t mind but down here in Tenneesee men hug when they meet! Not kidding, so ya all get ready for some good old Southern “Bear Hugs”!!