Jim Flamming and I have been unable to find a date we can both fish for a micro fish-in but as September 13 is the last Saturday before grouse opens and Butterfly (my bird dog) insists on most of my free time it will be the last full day of trout fishing this season for me. I’ll be fishing the White river East of Hesperia if anyone wants to join me. There is a roadside park at Aetna bridge for lunch and two other bridges nearby for access. There should be some early salmon in the river below the dam at Hesperia and a stretch of class 2 trout stream above Whitehall if anyone prefers that. If there is interest in fishing I will post a map with directions to Aetna bridge and to the access below the dam for salmon.
Jim Count me in.
I’m all for two micros - I’ll find this one with Tim on the 13th and wait for Jim to chime in with his date…Jim???..JIM?
If I can get away from work I would love to fish with you guys.
Looking forward to fishing with all of you again. I should have mentioned that the
White usually fishes pretty well in September with fish rising to terrestrials, caddis and small mayflies all day and a great white mayfly ( size 12-14) hatch near dusk.
Have fun fella, I am just buried right now. Mark, come heck or high water, you and I ARE fishing sometime this summer/fall. The Coldwater beckons!
I guess I shouldn’t have put it that way… Others are welcome to. Someday, it will happen, mark my words!
Jim when it happens let me know as we did not get a chance to fish together at THE FISH IN and spending a season without fishing with you, well it just would not be right.
In response to a private message from Tim asking for more information about the White: There are browns, rainbows, brookies and creek chubs in the middle White. I caught at least one of each in a couple of hours last Sunday. The Salmon should be dominating the river below the dam by mid-September though I have caught trout and smallmouth while fishing for salmon. I’ll probably use a seven foot three weight rod above the dam and would not want anything less than an eight weight with a good disc drag reel in the lower river. The salmon have never struck me as being very fussy about fly patterns; perhaps because I only use a #6 Gartsides soft hackle streamer and a #6 yarn egg to fish for them. Above the dam I like to fish terrestrials at that time of year if there are sporadically rising fish though a hares ear parachute or soft hackle wet fly are also effective. There is supposed to be a trico hatch but I’m never up that early to say so from experience. There may be some caddis activity as well as some small blue wing olives during the day. About an hour or so before dusk slowly retrieving a #12 or #14 hares ear nymph cast to the bank can be good as the ephorons become active prior to hatching. There can sometimes be blizzard hatches of these white mayflies near dusk. A #14 light cahill, an all white parachute or a cream variant are good flies for this hatch.
Jim thanks for the info. Googled for some recipes for the soft hackle streamers and they seem easy enough to tie. I guess that gives me an excuse to hit the tying bench.
Looking forward to seeing you on the 13th. Hey that’s only 4 weeks away. WOOHOO
Been waiting for your announncement since July. I can’t make the date but will be ther in spirit. Hope the light helps at night.
Curse’s Foiled Again, there is a Quilt Show in Lansing that day that Jean has been wanting to go to and I promised I would take her, seeing as all her “Cronies” think it’s to far to go.
Oh Well I “Really” didn’t want to go fishing with Ya’All…
Whine, Snivel,and Wimper:(
Hey Bill
Lets pick another date and do something closer to the Island Nation but in Michigan…maybe a warm water venue? I hear there is some great warm water around Kalmazoo…what say you?
How about the St. Joe River at Mottville? At that place its good wadeable smallie water and its within 20 minutes of Lunkers at Edwardsville which has a nice little fly shop with great people working there. Nice restaurant too. Any Saturday is fine with me.
That would only be a short 1.5 hr drive for me and I could make that trip almost any Saturday. Mark if ya ever want to hit it give me a call a couple days in advance and I should be able to make it.
I love smallmouth fishing.
I will send you a PM with my cell number.
Jim if you want I am still up for fishing the White would like to see more people interested.
Sound’s like a good idea to me. We ate at Anglers Inn(Lunkers) last weekend and I picked up some of their last Gudebrod Thread.
Used to get in there about once a month for lunch and the Fly Shop,
but with gas being so high thie was our first trip since last spring.
So, which Saturday will work for all?
Jim R. may hap’s we can get together some other Saturday?
I’ll be happy to fish for smallmouth if we get a date set. I haven’t done it enough this year. Tim and Mark I’ll be on the White the thirteenth. We can discuss where to meet as the time aproaches.
OK look’s like we may have something going for this saturday
23 August. Mark suggested the Dowagaic and asked if I would lead,
unfortunenutley I’ve never fished the Dowagaic… Mark you might have to step up to the plate on this one, or should we just head for the St. Jo at Mottville… that would work also (I think). Well what Ya’ll think?
Bill anytime I can have the pleasure of fishing with you and Mark it is a great thing. Plus I make you guys look like pro flyfisherman. LOL See you Saturday.
I have never fished either river but let me suggest this we hit the Joe for a while head to Lunkers for lunch and ask someone there for some info on access points on the Dowagaic.
I called Lunkers a week or 2 ago and they said the Dowagic was to low to fish do to lack of rain and recommended the ST. Joe so lets play it by ear.
Tight lines guys
Just thought the thread needed a BUMP. Hope to see more interest as this trip is soon approaching