Metal work for Boy Scout Eagle project needed, Not FF

First off sorry if this is not appropo and if it’s out of line please delete.
Now on to the request
My son is 80% of the way through his Eagle project, which was to build a large fire pit at the church. He was quoted a price for the spark screen and the guy that was going to build it said to wait until after the pit was up to measure.
The final measurements match the quoted size. Now this guy come back and says that misquoted and is raising the price by $300. My son budgeted for the original $600 and can’t go back and get anymore funds.

What he is looking for is a metal fabracator that could do the job. We have struck out locally and are not doing well with internet leads. He has pictures and plans if need be.
If there is anyone who does custom metal work or know of someone please let me know.
Thanks a million

Why not check with college or high school welding classes. They might be able to do it for cost of materials. And they would learn something also.


got drawings?—autocad?----ill look at it—in the other guy defense—carbon steel doubled and in some cases tripled in the past 9 months— i dont even want to talk about stainless—im in Cleveland —pm me with details and we can swap emails.



Is your son running up against his 18th birthday? Reason I ask is we had a similar situation in our troop, budget didn’t cover final cost, so the Scout organized an additional fundraiser and was able to cover it. He was lucky that he had a little bit of time to recover. Maybe a pancake breakfast or something like that.
