Message for Mikey....

It is done, now we wait for 2-3 hours and see what the results are…

I’m awake & waiting for your call!..cell phone by my side. I’ll be up until past 1am your time!

Turned out great!!

Thanks a bunch…

Tennessee & Ohio fixin’ to take over the world . They’re sending cryptic messages back and forth.

Look out world. (Kentucky, you’re first.)


My rod is ready to defend Wyoming!!

HeHeHeHe!! :evil:


I don’t think 5 minutes will be enough time to achieve the results we were looking for…We may have to increase the time:mrgreen:

WarrenP and Tuber, I don’t know what you guys are up too, but I don’t think I want in the middle of it…;0

Naw…just START later!

You guys aren’t talking about marital relations, are you?
Doug :confused:

I will have to finish what I started before I can start another attempt…not sure, at my age, if my body can handle all this…

I know what ya mean…when I was young, I could polish it off & come right back for more. No ill effects whatsoever!

Nope, don’t want in the middle of this…:wink:

I may have to recruit some help to finish off what I started so that I can start the next one and either start later or increase the time…and then there is the decision on whether to stay with the smooth or go with the crunchy…:cool:

Well I didn’t think I wanted to be in the middle of this, but now I think I am… You guys sure can cook up some stuff…:wink:

This sounds surprisingly like a PEANUT BUTTER FUDGE kind of thing. Shame on you boys for hiding the details from us.

Joe, clearly what they deserve is to have you grab that Mikey guy and head down to Tullahoma for a long weekend of eatin’ and fishin’. That sounds like it might be fun.


You can bring the Spam and I’ll get some more okra pickles.

We have been accused of being secretive, perhaps even DECEPTIVE in our rhetoric. :rolleyes:. Let’s run for office!
Joey, Joey, Joey…Oh ye of little faith! Are Warren & I to be DOUBTED?..QUESTIONED?..Perhaps even CHASTISED? Oh, woe is me!!! :stuck_out_tongue: Why, I thought our banter was as clear as the Ohio River after a thaw of 2 feet of snow & a torrential rain.

You nailed it Joey! This was fun.
Mikey :smiley: