Mel Krieger Passed Away

From Kiene’s Fly shop BB:

<<I received this sad message from Mel’s wife, Fanny this morning. As a member of the Golden West Women Flyfishers I was fortunate to meet Mel early in my fishing career. The GWWF holds its meetings in Fanny and Mel’s home and when Mel was not off fishing some where only the rest of us could dream of going to, he was very generous in sharing his expertise of flyfishing with us. I know Mel didn’t expect much of an after life but if he was wrong and there is a river there. I wish him Fish On.

Dear Friends:

It is with great sadness that I write to let you know that Mel passed away this morning at 3:30AM on his final grand adventure.

Although he had been very ill for a while, it is still very painful to face the fact. At least, his illness did not cause him pain and he went very peacefully and his spirit will be with us for a long time.

I look forward to connecting with you in the weeks to come.

With love,

Fanny >>

And from

I sad loss for our fly fishing community. His videos are among the best. He will be missed.

Very sad. He seemed like a great guy.

Sorry to hear of Mel’s passing. I never had the opportunity to meet him; however, I feel as though I have known him for years after reading his books, articles, and watching his video’s and DVD’s. In a small way, he lives on in all of us in fly fishing who learned from him. My sympathy to his family for their tremendous loss.

His love of fly fishing was contagious, presented always with a twinkle in his eye and wonderful humor. The first time I saw him he described the class as all type “A” personalities. We were all searching for that perfect cast on the perfect stream for the perfect fish. He told us to relax and enjoy all of the journey.

The last time I saw Mel was at a Federation Conclave in MT. I had just failed the CI test and was feeling angry with myself when I attended his class. He understood; but, he reminded me that “failing” was just another way of learning and that if I tried again, next time I would do better. And, I did.

Mel loved to collect small stones. That day he asked each in the class to reach blindly into
his bag and choose a rock. I reached in a felt around in the bag until I found this rather bumpy; but, rounded rock. It felt like I did that day…the bumps of failure, rounded over time. The rock still sits on my dresser as a wonderful reminder of his words that day.

God’s rest Mel, I hope to meet you on a sweet stream in the next life.


I too feel as if I know Mel through his great videos.

He had great enthusiasm and awinning style of teaching!!

God bless

I have met Mel on many occassions over the years and have gone to many of his Mel Krieger Days at the Golden Gate Angling and Casting Club. He was a very kind and giving individual. As a member of the Golden Gate Angling and Casting Club I received the following email:

The Golden Gate Angling & Casting Club will hold a memorial celebration for Mel at the Angler’s Lodge on November 1st, 2008 from 3:00 to 6:00 pm.

as it should be.

While I am not a member of the club Mr. Krieger did have an influence on
my casting, He sure had a great wit about him too, I will stop by the ponds to pay my respect next time I am in the park…

Rest in Peace Sir