a Merry Christmas!
This does take a few minutes, but so worth the time.
Wonderful way to start the season here at FAOL
and a Merry Christmas to all as well ,
WOW! Thanks Betty. That was awesome.
Hi Betty.
Thanks for sharing, you made my day!!! And a very merry Christmas to you and your family and all the FAOL family as well
Even though our 2 20 lb turkeys aren’t even out of the oven, I too wish all here of FAOL a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS. Let’s those who are so inclined remember that Christmas is NOT about the birth of Santa Clause.
PS: And also to all at FAOL a VERY HAPPY THANKSGIVING . And BETTY, thanks for that link. Being a BIG fan of Flash Mob preformances, THAT was NO disappointment. Hopefully , some day, I too will become “victim”.
Thanks Ma! Merry Christmas to all!
Thanks for sharing Betty, I did not share the link with everyone in my Outlook address book but a lot of friends and the staff of my church (who are also my friends).
Just in case I forget later I wish all of you the best Christmas season every. And if I wish you Merry Christmas several more times, I mean it everytime.
Absolutely wonderful! I am not familiar with the ‘flash mob’ so if anyone could enlighten me on that one please? A wonderful treat.
A flash mob (or flashmob)[1] is a large group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place, perform an unusual and pointless act for a brief time, then disperse.
2nd Quote above from Wikipedia…
I beg to differ with reference to it being pointless especially with regard to Betty’s post…
I had never heard of flash mob either…
I promptly stole it from Betty and posted it on Facebook.
Quite often, a flashmob will be joined by spectators. There were a couple of folks in this video that looked like they had joined in and were not part of the original mob. You can tell by the way they sing.
Whats a face book??
If you GOOGLE or You Tube “Flash Mob”, you’ll be TREATED to some GREAT performances. Hopefully you’ll come across, a performance of “The Sound Of Music” in a train station. OUTSTANDING.
I emailed that link to lot of folks, got a lot of thank you emails and personal thank you’s today at church. My niece beginning her service as a missionary in Spain emailed that she and her roommate both cried ( I think she is experiencing a little home sickness about now also.)
Great link, thanks again Betty.
Betty That was the coolest!!! Thank you and a Big Merry Christmas to everyone!