Matching the hatch

This little guy was the hatch of the day when the wife and I were out at the local lake the other day. Any body got a good pattern to match it?

I guess that took care of that. S

LOL…that was fast!!!

That’s pretty cool is what that is. I knew there’d be one out there somewhere. I was joking somewhat in my request, but in all seriousness big bass, catfish and other top o’ the food chain types really hammer these little fellas when they get the chance. This one looked like it might have been his very first trip to the water.

I suppose I have to play the grump (WARNING! Humor intended. Please provide own grains of salt…)

How can you possibly say that fly matches the hatch? The fly is clearly of a softshell turtle while the picture in the hatch appears to be an immature slider. They aren’t even in the same genus, let alone species! Now to correctly match the hatch you would have to… (Insert all of the technical rubbish, complete with bibliography, that you need to in order to make this joke work for you.)

Regards on a Monday,

P.S. Normand, that’s a stunning fly.

Normand, close enough for me, buddy!


i saw the turtle, i posted a turtle. its not my turtle, its on the web somewhere. :roll:

take some dark colored markers if tou need it to be the same genus or whatever its called. :smiley:

genus shmenus! geesh!

this one is called the “radiosicus flyerterrapinicus quadrodiscus plastisicus” (english translation = plastic turtle with 4 wheels)