How come not all my new posts(not just mine, everybody’s) come up in bold? I thought my husband was sneaking around my back reading FAOL, but he claims not to know how.
Hmmm … if you aren’t Logged In … all the posts are “already read”.
Else, … I have no idea, … Ron may know.
I confess,
It ain’t us; I didn’t do it.
I stay logged in, so don’t think that is it - am I the only one?
Mine’s the same sometime the unread are in bold but lots of them are not. I stay logged in too.
One thing I have found on this site as well as some of the other fishing boards I frequent–If I open a link that is in a post and read/look at it and use my browser back button to return to the post and then go back to the forum, everything shows as being read when I know I haven’t been there. I dont know whether it is in a setting within my machine or what it is. I have learned not to open anything in a post until I have gone through the board and read what I want to.
I dont have a clue as to what the deal is but then, I am also somewhat/a lot, really, challenged when it comes to electronic equipment.
set your system to open another window when viewing off site links, If you log off and back on it clears all to look as if they were read to only display what was posted after you have been logged on.
Now that I’m paying a little more attention, I notice that the ones that are “not marked as read” have no responses, while the ones that are marked have responses. Just piling up some clues, maybe.
Ghost, if that was directed toward me, I might as well be trying to read a foreign language. Not your fault, but mine. LOL As I said above–I am challenged when it comes to this machine. I will just keep on wading through the mud here as long as I dont get in over my head. LOL