Map of major blue ribbon trout fishery locations?

Is there a map anywhere on-line or a book that identifies the general locations of the major blue ribbon trout fisheries, particularly in the western and intermountain regions? I’m looking for such a resource for a friend new to fly fishing who is driving across the region and has little idea what he is driving near or what route choices to make to drive by more.




Everything in print about Idaho is out of date. No trout around this part of the world.


Just kidding. What parts of Idaho does he plan to visit ?? Let me know and maybe I can give you some ideas for your friend to work with. Also a few places in Western Wyoming that can be really fun at the right time of the year.

He and two friends are making a quick road trip from Las Vegas, NV, to Billings, MT, and back, spending a couple days each way. He is wondering what the best route is to see fish country and fly fishing associated points of interest.

I’ve already warned him that as far as I know there are no fish in any of it but he still wants to see it anyway.


Okay. I can give your friend some pretty good places to try out - but I had a long day today and it will have to wait for tomorrow. I’ll get off a PM by this time tomorrow evening. In the meantime, can you give me an idea when they will be making their trip ?? Could make a big difference in where I would point them. And do they have a preference for big rivers, small streams, lakes, backcountry hike in fishing, etc. ??


Inquire of the spring creeks in Livingston, MT.

There’s no fish in Oregon.

Be advised that states differ in how they rate their rivers. Colorado’s rating is “Gold Medal”, which does NOT mean the same thing as Montana’s “Blue Ribbon”. And not all are equal. And some second-rate rivers are, in my opinion, much nicer places to flyfish than the big name waters.

I’ve seldom gone wrong wandering the west going “That looks fishy, let’s try it!”


Try the site . Will give you road maps,aerial views ,birds eye views and Satellite views of just about any place on the planet.
