
Might be of interest;

and the perpetrator;

My my Loopy whatever did you do

Hmmm…parroting rubbish again. What do you imagine gives you the right to annoy and harass people?

If you had anything at all sensible to say about fishing, or even knew much about it, then you might be able to converse with people who do, or want to.

As it is, you post mainly total rubbish, filthy “jokes”, stupid “cartoons”, and often quite nasty film clips, which you dig up around the internet, to a number of boards, and generally make a nuisance of yourself to genuine anglers.

Although I find it annoying that a nasty little maggot of your ilk is able to defame and provoke people with apparent impunity, at the same time it would be foolish to take you seriously, or imagine that anybody else with any sense would do so either.

Nevertheless, if you go around spreading malicious lies and defamation per e-mail or PM’s and the like, and I get hold of a copy, you will live to regret it.

Mike Connor



Check this thread out!

Last couple of pages!

“Most fly fishing fun is found in the quest, not the conquest”


Scroll down to the last post from “Myangle”, another of the nasty little maggot’s aliases.

However this may be, my last post to this board. I think people should stand by what they write, and considering the amount of abuse involved, and that the thread was not pulled as soon as it started, I think it should have been left to stand. That people here seem quite unaware that they are being manipulated is unfortunate, but not really my problem. I would have expected better from sensible fly-anglers, but then of course…

Blessed is he who expecteth nothing, for rarely shall he be disappointed.

Mike Connor

Might be of interest:


Well I can’t speak for everyone here of course, but this is all confusing and pointless to me.

You did provide a wealth of information on this board and it seemed it was appreciated by most. And those that didn’t certainly had the option of ignoring it. The only criticism I offered was that you offer your information in article form on the main website instead of posts in the forums because they are generally longer and more in depth than typical forum posts. That being said there was still nothing wrong with them and I don’t think anyone was too bothered by them at all here.

It seems you have a history from other forums where they did not appreciate what you had to offer and you now seem overly sensitive about the issue when it’s really not a big deal at all. If the administrators of a forum don’t want your participation that is their call, but from what I remember you were rather welcome here and many appreciated your responses to questions. Hopefully you will learn to ignore those that attempt to harass you online because it really doesn’t mean anything at all.

"However this may be, my last post to this board. I think people should stand by what they write,

Mike Connor[/QUOTE]

Well Sunshine, on your bike then.


Such a measured and sensible response deserves a sensible reply. I don’t really remember what was said in the various “complaints” threads, although I still have the nasty e-mails, among other things.

I would ask you the following questions: Have you ever known me to be abusive, or anything less than a gentleman?

Did you read the warnings I gave when these people first came to the board?

What do you imagine I might gain from all this nonsense? What possible reason could I have for indulging in it at all?

I stayed away from this board because I knew exactly what would happen. I did not actually expect long term members here to treat me to such a wealth of abuse, but it didn’t really surprise me much either. There are always a few who do this.

What do you think other members, or potential members think about all this?

How do you think this will affect others who might post useful information here? When they see somebody being severely abused for posting useful information?

That “it doesn’t mean anything” is easy for you to say, you are not being subjected to the abuse.

Don’t you think it is at least odd that “Loopy” cross-posts this crap to other boards with obvious glee?

Do you seriously imagine that I am somehow deranged? Looking for a stupid argument with people I don’t know and who are thousands of miles away?

What do you imagine motivated me to post what I thought was useful and interesting information in the first place? To start a fight at some time?

Just a few things to think about. Regardless of the replies, yours or others, I will not post again. There would be little point in doing so.

Best wishes, regards, and tight lines!

Mike Connor