Went to the market on Friday to get our Thanksgiving turkey. Heard some noise today and saw this on the roof of my garage. Actually, they are everywhere around here. This one just seems to have a hankerin for fish.
Hey good buddy, that looks like TG dinner to me…how come you have all the turkeys, you feedin’ ‘em or sumthin’ ? I don’t have any on this side. Been fishin’? Checked the tanks?
At risk of a somewhat hijack, just how GOOD or better is wild turkey from the farm raised?. I know this is probably a matter of taste , or is it?
You mean it didn’t “tragically” fall off the roof and roll under your moving vehicle, or run out in front of you at the shooting range?
I’m guessing they taste like any other turkey. Don’t know. My wife says they are pets, she has even named a couple of em. And no, she says we don’t eat pets.
Ya, They found the feeders, and actually broke one. Donna just came home from wally word with three more.
Haven’t been to the fish ladder lately or fishing. The turkeys just don’t like it on your side of the river. Not enough dogs.
True, true…there is a shortage of dogs over here. And yep, no shooting the pets…like my resident 8 pt. that the tips have gone ivory on. Dang he’s gettin’ huge. I haven’t been to the tanks or fishing lately either, soon though…btw, get well !
They do taste better than the store bought ones IMO. They have been selectivly breeding the dark meat out of domestic turkeys and emphasizing the white breast meat. I prefer dark meat and prefer the wilder taste.
On the way home from Lowell this year there was one on the side of the road that some car had hit. I was sorely tempted to harvest a few feathers but didn’t want to explain them to some border patrol officer. :shock:
Nice pic.
Howdy Backcast ! Greetings from south of ya !
We got turkeys all 'round these parts, just not in town where I live. See ‘em every time we go out fishin or whatever. The wild fellers taste almost like storebought birds, but somewhat leaner, I’ve had some that huntin’ friends of mine got. Never hunted ‘em myself. The store bought birds are usually much heavier in the breast and thighs. I shudder to think of why that might be… Down here on our river…the Rogue, the steelhead fishin is warmin’ up. I imagine the old N. Umpqua is too. That’s where I learned to fish for steel & caught my first, back in the late '60’s. They’re takin out a couple dams here, so we’re gonna see the last of the fish ladders on the Rogue before long. That’s a good thing, I figure…ModocDan
There’s lots of wild turkeys here in NZ. I’ve not tried any, but apparently they feed on crickets at certain times of the year and this makes them taste bad. Otherwise, they are supposed to be very good.
- Jeff
Six months ago we had 35 of them making the rounds thru the yard a couple times a day. Right now we are down to 4 big toms and a hen. The big flocks seem to always split up around here in the later parts of the year. I have ate wild turkey and I prefer them to store bought. Seems to be lots more dark meat and better flavor. Most of the birds we have taken hunting have been between 12 and 18 pounds. We do not hunt the ones around home. They have become almost tame.