luckie88 and Uncle Jesse Birthday

Hey you two! It’s your day to kick up your heels, eat cake and have out of tune songs sung to you. I hope this is a great day for both of you. Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to both of you!!!
Uncle Jesse, are you having cake or a “moon pie”?

Happy Birthday!! Uncle Jesse & Luckie88

Happy Birthday gentlemen! Many many more to you both.

Thanks, It’s now the dirty thirties for me. Just another day, just another decade.

Happy Birthdays to both of you.

HB to you both. The best to you, each. Have a good one.

Hope you both had a grand day!


happy birthday youse 2.

Happy birthday!!!

Thanks everyone, we had a great day, no Moon Pies but some sweet deserts. I get to share my birthday with my wife who is younger than I so we have a good celebration.

Happy Birthday to both of you!