Well, I finally caught a fish. I was doing my Litter Patrol today and I got a funny surprise. I was walking along a cyclone fence and I looked down and wrapped the jaws of my grabber around a 6 inch BLUEGILL! LOL I have absolutely no idea how in the heck it got there!
Some people are just born fishermen;););).
You gotta watch what your dog eats more carefully.
I’m sorry that I didn’t post a photo of the Bluegill, but it was bigger than the one attached to this hook and there was no Largemouth behind it: http://www.zengyotaku.com/i/gallery8/zg8_3_big_bass.jpg
On the subject of this post, I counted up the money I found in the past year of walking.
3- $20 bills
1- $10 bill
1- $5 bill
1- $1 bill
Unknown amount of quarters (used them for laundry)
86 dimes
60 nickels
614 pennies
I will never find that many bills again, but I might surpass the coins.